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I woke up, but kept my eyes closed.

I stretched my arm over the bed, but the palm of my hand met nothing but the mattress. That made me finally open my eyes, and I realized the spot next to me on Jeovanni's bed was empty.

I took a deep breath and retrieved my hands to roll it over my face, as if that would make me get rid of my tiredness, but I stopped midway when I took a look at my wrists.

I was shirtless – better yet, I was naked –, which made it be one of the few times they were so exposed. My stitches had been taken out yesterday, so it was needless to say that they weren't exactly the most beautiful view. My wrists hadn't been exactly the most beautiful view since I was eleven years old.

Muffled indistinct words took my attention off of my wounded skin and brought it to Jeovanni, who was trying to say something while had his toothbrush hanging from his mouth. He had his sweatpants back on, but his uncovered chest made it up for it.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

He tried to speak again, but the furrow between my brows only increased.

"I can't understand you with your toothbrush in your mouth, dumbass"

He rolled his eyes and went back to his bathroom, returning after a few seconds with his mouth free of toothbrush and toothpaste.

"I was merely stating that you're up" He said, his usual smile back on.

He walked over to me and dropped himself on the bed again – actually, he dropped himself on top of me –, making me let out a painful groan. Yet, he showed no remorse for my pain, and only looked at me with that smile, his eyes moving as he scanned through mine.

"And that you look beautiful as always" He continued.

I scoffed and glanced away from him, but my lips insisted on curling upwards.

"You're so cheesy, Hernandez"

"You're so cheesy, Hernandez" He did a lame impression of my voice "You never call me Hernandez" He booped me on the nose.

"God, it just keeps getting worse and worse" I groaned, hiding my face with my hands, preventing him from doing it again.

Jeo didn't let my hands stay still for more than three seconds as he gently grabbed my wrists and removed them from my face, causing me to look at him again.

Jeovanni acted as if he couldn't feel my prominent scars. He acted as if they weren't that important. He acted as if I was more than that.

"Are you ready for me to kick your ass at football one more time today?" He provoked me, pressing a soft kiss on one of my wrists, and then on the other, while his gaze kept fixated on mine.

I laughed.

"What is it that you say again?" I tilted my head to the side, pretending to search for the phrase in my mind, when the truth was that I could never forget it "Don't count your chickens before they hatch"

"Wow, that's such a lame phrase" He contorted his face, as if the words had physically pained him.

I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.

"Well, you're lame, so I didn't expect any differently"

He chuckled, and we just looked into each other's eyes. I loved how he admired me. More than that, I loved how I admired him. I loved him.

He then let go of my arm and brought his hand to the side of my face as he caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers. I looked down at his lips for a split of a second before bringing my gaze back to his, and that was enough for him to lean down and put his mouth over mine.

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