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Friday night had come, the day Jeovanni and I were supposed to have our date, and he didn't reach me.

I constantly checked my phone, hoping a text of Jeovanni would suddenly be there. But it never was. I felt like I had finally woken up from an illusion. Jeovanni had always felt like an illusion anyway; too good to be true. And now, he wasn't true anymore. And I felt a void form itself in me.

It was curious realizing I could form a void. I had always thought I was empty. No void can be formed in the empty. But I guess what I thought about myself wasn't true either. There was something there. Something that was now gone. And I missed it.

I wondered if Jeovanni would talk to me again. He had dismissed me before, telling me to leave him alone, at the day after we had gotten high together. But that was a long time ago. We didn't have what we had now, whatever that was. Would Jeovanni come back like he did last time?

"Dress u-" Danielle cut herself off midsentence when she opened my door, seeing me curled up in my blanket, in the dark, watching the second movie of Harry Potter "What's going on with you?"

"Nothing" I mumbled.

"It's Friday Night"

"Yeah, we danced on tabletops, and we took too many shots, and whatever" I sighed "Not in the mood"

"Well, I wasn't inviting you for shots" She argued, sitting on the end of my bed "My parents want us to go out to have dinner somewhere"

"I'm gonna stay in"

"You can't" She blurted out.

I diverted my glance from the movie to her, narrowing my eyes.

"Why can't I?"

"Because..." She trailed.

Her hesitation gave me the answer to my question. Being alone meant being able to do whatever I wanted. Doing whatever I wanted meant I could hurt myself. And to be honest, that's what I'd end up doing. I'd grab a knife in the kitchen and replace my razor blade with it. I was tired of not cutting myself. I felt like my family's constant presence was what had been stopping me from doing that. I needed them out so I'd have the courage.

"Because we want you to go" It's what she settled for saying "We want us to have some family quality time"

"No, I'm boring"

"You're not" She groaned "If you don't go, then we'll order something. But I really want to go out. So, pretty please, dress up"

"You guys seriously won't leave me alone?"

She shook her head.

I snorted, standing up from my bed and earning a smile of Danielle.

"Shut up" I rolled my eyes "I'm being forced into it"

"Get over it" She left my room, giving me space to change clothes.

I checked my phone one more time, and was met once again with only my lock screen. My shoulders sagged, and I tossed the device aside to focus on finding something to wear.


"It's so great we're doing this" Mallory commented with a grin on her face as we sat down in a restaurant.

"It is" Alvarez agreed with another grin.

Danielle had a smile on her face as well, but I wasn't able to contribute to the happiness of the family with that same expression. I had a scowl plastered on my face instead.

"I think that's what we need" Mallory continued "Spending some time together so we can talk to each other"

She meant so I could talk to them. They talked among themselves plenty already.

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