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I was tired of how many times Mallory asked me if I was nervous about the game. I didn't get why she kept questioning me about it. I had the same answer at all times, after all. And that was no.

Despite not feeling nervous, it was the first time I wasn't in automatic mode during a game. Instead, I kept thinking about how Jeovanni was watching me from the benches. And, to be quite honest, I also thought about Dani, Mallory and Alvarez cheering for me. It made me feel worthy of something. The feeling wouldn't last; but at least I would have had it for a moment. A moment I would value while it lasted.

Although I could notice I was playing okay, I also couldn't help but notice how much hurtful it was being. My wrists were too hurt, and the athletic tape around them didn't ease the pain; it just hid it. It was difficult to throw the ball with all my strength, but I forced myself into doing it anyway.

When the game was finally over, I didn't bother staying on the field to celebrate with my teammates. I went straight to the locker room. I decided to take a quick shower, finally taking off the tape, and seeing I had started bleeding again. I hissed in pain, deciding it was for the best if I covered my wrists again until I could  cover them with actual bandages. I had them in my locker; I just couldn't put them on in front of everyone.

So I waited until everyone had left just so I could replace the athletic tape with bandages and put a long sleeve shirt over it all. When I left the locker room, everyone who had come to see me was waiting for me.

"You took so long" Danielle complained with a groan "I was planning on congratulating you and all that stuff, but my celebratory spirit even left me with all that time"

"Stop being like that, Danielle" Mallory cut her off "She's just kidding. You were great, Jack" She smiled.

"Really great" Alvarez agreed "Congratulations on the win, kiddo" He ruffled my wet hair.

"He doesn't seem surprised we're here" Aaron brought up.

"I'm not" I replied.

"Congratulations, Jack!" Nia approached me so she could hug me.

I furrowed my eyebrows at that. I didn't remember the last time I hugged someone or someone hugged me. Even after the football games I had won, I had never participated of the celebration on the field when everybody hugged each other. So, when Nia hugged me, I just stood there for a second before patting her back with one of my hands. It was quick. And awkward. But Nia didn't let it show.

Mark, Mika and Malia were the next ones to congratulate me. Then Mark said we should go out to eat something to celebrate. I didn't want to, but I felt like I had to. Especially after Mallory and Alvarez kept saying how that was a great idea and that they would pick Danielle and I up when it was over.

The person who I most wanted to talk to after the game was over only did so when Danielle and all her friends were walking ahead of us to go to some snack bar. I stayed a little behind with Jeovanni as he walked slowly with his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt.

"Aren't you going to talk to me?" I glared at him.

"I am" He replied "Hello, how are you?" He finally looked at me.

That made my glare intensify. And that made him smile.

"I figured I should let you be engulfed by your family and friends' compliments first" He explained.

"They're not my friends" I retorted.

"At least you didn't deny the family part" He commented with that same light smile "You were really amazing out there, y'know?" He added after a second of silence.

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