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Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day
You gave it away

I knocked on Danielle's door with all my strength, having steam coming out of my ears.

"Turn it down!" I yelled "It's six in the fucking morning!"

I understood there were people who loved Christmas. But I didn't think there were people who woke up at 6AM just so they could live more of the day. If it wasn't for school, I'd sleep till noon every day with the sole purpose of not living that much. No exceptions for holidays.

"This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special" She opened the door with a sweet smile "Merry Christmas, Jack"

"Turn. It. Down." I glared at her.

"Since you asked so nicely" She walked over to her speaker and turned down the volume "Go change into your Christmas sweater. You have to regain that Christmas spirit"

"I've never had one of those" I scoffed "And I don't have a Christmas sweater. They're tacky"

"Well, don't say that to my mom, because she knitted you one"

"She didn't"

"Oh, she did"

I snorted and went back to my room, feeling the sleep leave my body. I felt the need to express annoyance over the fact that my aunt had made me a sweater; to express that I didn't care, that I wanted to be left out, that I wanted to be left alone and isolated from their holiday. But, deep down, if I had to admit it to myself, I liked getting a tacky sweater.

I liked that they included me on their family, and it was as if that sweater was a representation of that. Oh, fuck me; I'm getting emotional over a pullover. When did I become so sappy?

"Merry Christmas!" Mallory and Alvarez said in unison when I got to the kitchen. It was still weird being around so much happiness.

"Merry Christmas?" It wasn't supposed to have come out as a question.

"The gingerbreads are over there" My aunt pointed at a platter over the table "But I also made the traditional breakfast pancakes" She pointed at a plate with a couple of pancakes with some chopped strawberries next to them.

"Thanks" I sat down, putting the fruits aside.

"Where is Dani?" Alvarez asked.

"Blasting Christmas songs in her room" I replied, eating a piece of my pancake. Mallory's pancakes were the best I ever had. She outdid Charlotte and Angela by far.

"I'll go get her" Mallory walked past me, but not before giving me a loud kiss on the cheek.

I stood still for a second after she left and blinked. Okay... I did not know how to react or what to think about that. I looked at Alvarez, but he just continued to cook, as if what my aunt did was the most normal thing in the world. I had seen parents kiss their children on the cheek as a way to show affection, and, even though Mallory wasn't my mother, I was weirded out by being shown this kind of care. Jeovanni showed me a lot of affection. But I guess I was more used to him giving me that than my own family.

As if sensing I was thinking about him, my phone buzzed with a message of his.

From Jeo:
merry christmas jack ❤️

I smiled at the heart emoji.

To Jeo:
Merry Christmas, Jeo
What are you doing up so early?

From Jeo:
lost my sleep

To Jeo:

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