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Mallory and Alvarez didn't mention anything about Jeo and me just like they never mentioned anything about Mark and Dani.

They treated me normally, which made me debate with myself if my conversation with Mallory had been real or not. But it had been real. It just didn't feel like it. I watched my back around my aunt and my uncle now, something that I didn't use to do before and something I didn't enjoy doing now. I simply didn't find it in me to trust them, even though they never did anything to show me they shouldn't be trusted.

I got very tense when Jeovanni and his brother went to my house to pick Dani and me up for us to go to his grandfather's country house. That event had been stressing me out the whole day. I felt as if, when Mallory and Alvarez actually saw Jeo, they would be brought back to reality and be disgusted by me. But that didn't happen.

They greeted him politely, told us not to do anything stupid and not to die, and then wished us a good trip. It was all going well, so I don't know why I had that sickening feeling in my stomach. A feeling that told me everything was about to go incredibly wrong and I was going to reach rock bottom in no time.

"Are you okay?"

Jeovanni's voice took my attention from the car's window to him. Mark was driving, Dani was on the passenger's seat, and Jeo and I sat in the back. We had been on the road for a least half an hour, and I hadn't said anything since. I kept focused on how bad I felt.

Coming out should feel great. People always said it felt great. And, although a part of my life was set free, I still felt as stuck as I had always been. I still felt haunted. And that was really disappointing.

"I'm fine" I mumbled, enlacing my pinky with his and giving him a lipped smile.

Jeo didn't seem to believe me, but he mirrored my smile anyway. I looked away from him once more and leaned my head onto the window, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

I was counting on this trip for me to feel better.


"I swear I thought that truck was going to explode"

I stayed quiet and eyed Mika while he told us he dreamt of a truck exploding on the road and later on saw the exact same truck on his way here.

We were putting the food we brought in the fridge, and I was helping by taking them from the several plastic bags they used to storage them and putting them on the counter.

"Daniel has this weird habit of thinking everything he dreams will come true as well" Jeo mentioned, taking a bottle of orange juice from my hands and putting it in the fridge.

"Okay, no need to drag me down here" Daniel interrupted his friend "And it usually does come true"

"In that case, I'm waiting for the invitation of your and Jennifer Lawrence's wedding" I scoffed, causing Jeo to send me a grin of approval. I bit the inside of my cheek to avoid one of the smiles Lucas would call silly.

"I said usually"

"Name one dream of yours that came true" Jeo challenged him.

"It's funny you mentioned it, because I dreamt you were going to be a prick to me, and I stand correct"

I rolled my eyes and Jeovanni laughed.

"My brother being a prick isn't a prediction, it's his nature" Mark said, making Jeo show him his middle finger.

"Jeovanni is nicer than you, I don't know what you're talking about" Dani muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Oh, yeah? Why don't you date him, then?" Mark mocked her.

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