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"Hello, Jack"

I was sick of having to spend lunch time at the janitor's closet. I wasn't sick of spending it with Lucas. But the fact that he hid every single day in this tiny space seemed too unfair.

"Hello, Lucas" I sat down in front of him "Sorry for yesterday"

"It's alright" He took a bite of his sandwich "I spent the time doing homework. It was really productive"

My phone beeped, and my lips instantly curved up in a smile when I reached for it and saw who it was.

From Jeo:
is 6pm good for you?

To Jeo:
It's great. See you then.

"You have a silly smile"

"A what?" I looked up from my phone with a puzzled expression.

"A silly smile" He repeated "My sister told me people give silly smiles when they're talking to someone they like. You have a silly smile"

"Oh" I tried to find something to say "I suppose I have"

"Who are you texting?"

I eyed Lucas for a second. I didn't think much before answering him.


Lucas nodded slowly.

"Is he your friend?"

"He's more than that"

"Your best friend?"

"More than that"

I was surprising myself with the direction this conversation was taking. I was surprising myself with my replies; with the honesty of my replies. And mostly, I was surprising myself by not being nervous at all when telling Lucas all of this.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Less than that"

He tilted his head to the side slightly.

"I'm confused"

"We like each other" I told him "We hang out. We go out on dates. We... I don't know, we just like each other"

Once again, he nodded slowly.

"What about your friend?"

"What friend?"

"The one that was interested in him" He clarified "That you told me about"

"Yeah," I chuckled "I'm that friend"

One more nod.

"My sister is a lesbian" He said out of the blue.

"Okay" I let out a short laugh "Good for her"

"Are you... gay?"

"I guess so" I shook my head at my own answer "No, I am. I am... gay" I corrected myself.

I'm gay.

"Okay" Fourth nod "Good for you"

I smiled and laughed again. I don't know why. I just felt like laughing.

"Hey, Lucas, what do you think we move our lunch to the cafeteria?"

"But... Taylor-"

"Fuck him" I waved him off "If he says one word, I'll kick his ass. C'mon" I stood up from the floor.

"I am nervous" But he stood up as well.

"You don't have to be" I opened the door "I've got your back"

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