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I had a nightmare today.

I dreamt I kissed Jeovanni. And after that, the figure of his painting followed me everywhere I went.

I woke up feeling disgusted. I was certain I would have thrown up if my stomach wasn't empty. I felt like ripping off my own skin to get rid of myself. I felt infected. And the more I thought about it, the more nauseous I got.

I knew it would be hard to face Jeovanni on school today. The chances of me starting a fight with him were high. But it didn't turn out to be that difficult after all. I didn't see him the whole day. He didn't come to the library to bother me during lunch or break like he used to. I didn't see him anywhere in the hallways. The only time it was inevitable for me to meet him was in the last period we had together.

When I saw him sitting by the end of the classroom with his head down, I approached him so I could return his book. I didn't want to have anything that belonged to him close to me.

"I brought your book back" I scowled, even though he wasn't looking at me.

"Just leave it there" He didn't dedicate me a glance.

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly. I didn't want him interacting with me, but even so, I expected him to, just like his annoying self always did. He was acting as if we hadn't gotten high together the night before and talked as if we were something close to friends.

But I did as he asked and threw the book over the edge of the desk. My eyes travelled to the paper he was drawing on. His knuckles were white because of how tight he was holding the pencil; his hand was moving fast and the paper seemed on the verge of getting punctured at how harshly he was drawing. I didn't know what caused me more discomfort: how he was drawing or what he was drawing. It was similar to the figures of the paintings he kept on the walls of his room. But this one...

"Wait, is this in our classroom?" I pointed at the... thing.

He blocked my vision by placing his arm over the paper.

"Fuck off, John" He told me, still looking down.

"I told you not to call me that" My hands closed in fists.

Jeovanni didn't reply. He went back to drawing when I walked away to the other side of the classroom. It was for the best he didn't answer me. If I heard the word John come out of his mouth one more time I'd lose my shit.

Although I didn't want to, I couldn't help but notice he didn't look up from that paper for the rest of the lecture.


I hated admitting it, but Nietzsche had gotten boring after I read Harry Potter.

Even so, I tried to concentrate on the words he had to say. Maybe I should had gotten mad at Danielle for abruptly opening the room's door, interrupting my efforts of paying attention to Nietzsche's thoughts. Or maybe I should had thanked her for giving me a good excuse to stop reading.

"I got a C+" She showed me her test, going over the end of the bed and shoving the paper over my book "How much did you get?"

"I got an A-" I said, returning her test to her.

"This wasn't supposed to happen" She complained "You were teaching me. I was supposed to have gotten the same grade as yours, at least"

"It's not my fault you're not smart enough to understand what I say" I told her. Danielle looked like she was about to punch me.

"Have it ever occurred to you that you might just be a terrible teacher?" She glared.

"Yes" I scoffed "Our actual teacher and I are both the problem behind your terrible grades. That makes total sense"

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