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"You got everything you need, little bug?"

Shoving your last duffel bag stuffed to the brim with clothes into the back of the truck, you wiped the little dribble of sweat from your brow.

"Yeah, think so." you breathed.

Today was the day that you were moving.

Moving away from your family.

Away from your home.

Away from the SAS.

But it was for something new.

Today was the day, that after countless meetings and arguments and paperwork, you'd be transferring to the US Special Operations Unit, and moving to the United States for the foreseeable future.

"I'm so proud of you, you know." John said, taking your shoulders in his hands. "My little sister, off to see the world and fight like the hero I know she is."

You smiled, trying to hide the tears welling in your eyes, "Stop, John. You're gonna make me cry again."

"You're gonna be amazin', you know that right?"

"Course I am, I learned from the best after all, Captain."

He smiled, beaming down at you, "Damn right, ya did."

Once more, he pulled you close, hugging you tightly as if it'd be the last time he'd do it. But you were aware as much as he was that it would be a long time before you'd see each other again.

"Remember," he whispered. "We get dirty-"

"-and the world stays clean." you spoke back, a proud smile on your face. "I know."

He led you back into the building with a tight arm around your shoulder, turning slightly to click the car lock before shoving you through the door playfully, the two of you laughing as you moved down the corridor.

Waiting for you in the conference room with a screen set up was Kate Laswell, CIA Special Ops Chief handler.

She had been trying for the last four years to recruit you oversees, especially when your skill and antics with John in basic training caught wind, and soon everyone in the military was aware that unfortunately, there was a second Price, and she was just as good and as unorthodox as her idiot older brother.

After being injured in your last tour in Afghanistan with the British Army, you decided that now, you'd take her up on her offer, and transfer to the US branch of the SAS, the Special Ops unit.

She was overjoyed, of course, and a meeting with General Shepherd was set up as soon as humanly possible.

You hugged her as you greeted her, the woman becoming closer to you over the years she's checked in on you. You'd come to know her well, and honestly, it seemed like the only reason John finally gave in to this move was because he knew Kate would be responsible for you.

Taking a seat at the round table, John sat next to you, while Laswell opened the laptop to a waiting General.

"Kate? You read me?" His voice crackled on the stream.

"Loud and clear, General." She replied.

"Good." He nodded. "Hello again, Captain Price."

"General." John tipped his hat.

"And a pleasure to meet you, Sergeant Price." Shepherd greeted you.

"The pleasure is all mine, sir. Thank you for agreeing to this opportunity for me."

He waved you off with a chuckle, "As I understand it, we're the ones receiving the favour. I've read your're incredibly skilled, Sergeant. I believe you'll fit in well with the team here."

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now