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Looking at the clock on your side table, the red numbers flashed angrily at you; 03:12.

You'd been tossing and turning for hours, for the second week in a row. If it wasn't a nightmare waking you up in the middle of the night, it was not being able to sleep at all.

What kind of weirdo did you have to be to suffer sleeping issues three months after moving across the world?

But you missed home, and you missed John.

It wasn't that you weren't loving Virginia - you were - it was just...well it's just not the same without the one person you loved most in the world.

Everyone made you feel welcome.

Your relationship with Alex was flourishing nicely, and you'd go as far as to say he was your best friend already.

You were close with Emily, and she'd introduced you to a few others, including Orlando - Sergeant Lucas Johnson. You smiled at the thought of him; he was a flirt, but was so clearly head over heels for Emily.

He got his callsign after his first day, because he wouldn't shut up about the fact that he was from Florida, living mere minutes from the Orlando Studios.

And then, there was Phillip Graves.

A man that took every opportunity to check up on you, and of course he was not subtle about his interest. So much so, Alex all but warned you away from the Commander. They didn't particularly like each other - that much was painfully obvious - but Alex just wanted you to be happy, whatever your decision would be.

Despite your attraction to the man, you continued to turn down his offers of dates and dinner, of 'private' training, because the last thing you needed right now was a relationship.

There was no time for distractions.

Sighing, once more as you glanced at the clock, you flung the clovers from your body, and jumped out of bed.

It was the middle of the night, so you could be sure that no one would be around. There was a curfew, yes, but thankfully, things were rather lenient on base.

Slipping on some socks and your black army hoodie, you pushed open your door, peaking your head out.

The corridor was in darkness, save for the red glow of the emergency light and the lamps coming from the common area at the bottom. 

Moving on your tiptoes, you crept past the rooms encasing the sleeping bodies of your comrades until you reached your destination. Raising your hand, you knocked softly, praying the person inside heard it enough to stir awake.

As you waited, your hands fiddled with the chain hung around your neck.

You jumped slightly as you heard a shuffle and bang, followed by several curses before the door swung open.

Before you, Alex stood with half open eyes and dishevelled hair. He looked angry, but that expression immediately softened when he saw your small and tired frame staring back at him.

"You all good, Keller? Do a little trip there?" You spoke with a smirk.

He rubbed his eyes for a moment, almost to make sure he wasn't imagining things, "Angel? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Quarter past three...yeah, sorry, I shouldn't have-"

You turned to leave, guilt swallowing you, but he reached out with a sigh, pulling you into his room and closing the door behind you.

"What's goin' on? Talk to me."

"You're gonna think I'm being stupid, Al." You frowned, pulling your sleeves over your hands.

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now