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It took hours for you to calm down, or even let go of Alex.

Not that he minded. 

He was just happy to finally be back with you, to be back home.

When you were finally able to be pried off him, you sat back down, and Laswell began telling you what the fuck had gone on for the last year.

Indeed, Alex had been missing in action, because by the time the building had been extinguished, he was nowhere to be found. And rightfully so, by the sheer volume of the blast, they assumed that he was dead.

But, without going into detail, Alex revealed that he was able to get out of the building, only losing his leg in the blast, and he'd managed to find help and get fixed up by some of Farah's allies.

He kept himself a secret until he was able to come home, until Laswell was able to clear his charges for abandoning his duty back in Urzikstan.

And now, he was able to come back, to come and see you for a few days, before he had to leave again, as he'd been recruited to the 141, of all places. 

For the days he was there, you barely left his side, desperate to make up for all the time you'd missed. Part of you felt guilty, as you'd barely seen Graves in that time, but you were too engrossed in having your best friend back to give it a second thought.

So, when Graves came barging in to Alex's room where you were both sat like old times, a look of fury on his face, you didn't think much of it.

Until he opened his mouth.

"Graves." Alex greeted him.

"Keller." Graves spoke back, steam practically coming out of his ear, "You mind if I have a word with my girlfriend?"

You frowned at his tone, Alex immediately picking up on your reaction, "Sure, when you've calmed down."

"Excuse me?" Graves laughed.

"Just take a breath, cuz, alright? What's got you so riled up?"

"You, Keller, you have. The second you're back you whisk my girl away, barely had a second to spend with her since you showed your face around here-"

You cut him off, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the room, whispering an apology to Alex, who told you not to worry. You dragged Graves along, until the two of you reached his office, and you slammed the door shut.

"You wanna tell me what the fuck that was?"

"Interrupted somethin', did I?" He spat at you.

It hurt, you had to admit, but his accusatory tone made you angry, "As a matter of fact, yeah. I was just telling Alex about us, if you must know."

"Sure you were."

"What is going on with you? Since when did you have issues over who I spent time with?"

"When it's him!"

Oh, so that's what this was about.

You rolled your eyes, folding your arms over your chest, "Whatever the reason the two of you don't get along has nothing to do with me, so don't bloody bring me into it."

"How can I not? I spent a year watching you be all over each other!" He raised his voice.

"So fucking what?! I chose you! Didn't I?"

"Yeah, so? What am I supposed to take from that? You thought he died so you chose me?"

"No, you arsehole! It means I fucking fell in love with you!" You yelled back, a hand running through your hair.

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now