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The day of moving onto barracks to complete your basic training came as quickly as you thought it would.

It was overwhelming, but the excitement in the pit of your stomach took precedent, and the smile on your face could not be wiped away. 

After the morning briefing by the CO on base, you and the other new recruits were fitted for your uniforms, and were changed into camo cargo pants and a sage green t-shirt.

Then, you were presented with your dogtags.

The chain lay heavy on your neck, and knowing their purpose weighed you down a little more. With those on, there was no turning back.

You were officially a part of the British Army.

A sea of khaki and camo was formed as you, along with all of the other rookies, were moved to the training field, where various obstacles and courses were set up. The group was split into eight teams, and the aim was to rotate around the activities until the last trial.

"Now, we have a special treat for you rookies today, with one of our own returning to train you until his next deployment." The commanding officer spoke, "So, I want all of you to give a warm welcome to our newly promoted Captain John Price."


He kept that quiet.

"Welcome, rookies!" His voice boomed as he flicked the cigar from his lips, "I will be your Captain today. As you can see, the field is set up for several activities. And right at the end there, is the final round."

Everyone followed his finger to the last trial, but not you, you kept your eyes on him, a smirk playing on your lips.

"The team that wins, will be exempt from chores for the next two weeks."

John laughed as the soldiers around you cheered, and he was finally able to land his eyes on you, a smile spreading across his face.

Subtly, you crossed your arms over your chest, managing to flip him off as you looked away, engaging in conversation with the person next to you. 

"And let me tell you, it's not often I feel excited for trainin' rookies, 'cause let's be honest, you're all a bit shite." John spoke, making the others laugh, "But, my own little sister, (Y/N) Price, is a rookie amongst you."

All eyes turned to you, and you threw John a look.

He jumped down, the people in front of you parting as he moved through them to stand in front of you.

"So, show me what ya got, soldier." He smirked at you.

You stood tall, lifting your hand in a salute, before speaking, "Affirmative, Captain."

When final trial came, it was neck and neck with your team, and two others. To win that prize, you had to win this.

You were the least person to run it on your team, and you took your stance, ready to be tagged in.

Currently, your team was last of the final three, so you'd have to really push beyond your limits to bring it back. You weren't too optimistic, but the adrenaline beginning to course through you said otherwise.

Your boot swivelled in the mud beneath you, and then the CO shot the pistol, and you were off.

Diving into the barbed wire, you crawled through, not even caring about the mud sticking your shirt to your skin, the sweat dripping from your brow.

You were winning this.

And from the quick glances you took at your sides and the screams of your team as you approached the final obstacle only pushed you further.

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now