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Graves barely left your side through your recovery.

He stayed in the ward with you every single night, whether that was in the bed with you, or on the chair, pulled up close enough for him to grip your hand tightly. You'd insisted he go and rest at home, but he was adamant.

Thankfully, you'd always been a fast healer, so after a few days you were able to leave the confines of the medical ward.

The bullet graze on your shoulder was doing well, only requiring few stitches. But, you'd taken significant damage to your side, as the bullet hit you in the same place as your old wound from Afghanistan.

Trauma on trauma was not a nice combination, but you put on a brave face.

Not that that stopped people fussing over you, doing anything and everything you needed doing.

Emily was there whenever you needed anything. She helped you to shower, get dressed, walk around the base. She did everything Graves would when he wasn't there, and it made your bond with her stronger. 

And Graves, he did everything you wanted.

No exceptions.

It had almost become strange to see you without him around base, and many caught onto the fact that maybe, there was a little something more there than you and the commander were letting on.

It was a needed distraction, to be honest. 

Laswell had cut contact with you completely after you were taken off the mission. You couldn't speak to Alex, or Farah, or John, or even Gaz. Any update you got, you got from her, in random phone calls.

The last you heard, John had gone to St. Petersburg with Gaz, and managed to intercept the Butcher at a meeting, executing him. They managed to find out about Barkov's lab in Georgia, and Laswell had to hand Hadir over to the Russian army after finding him in Moldova. 

The last you heard, there were plans to meet with Alex and Farah to apprehend Barkov and destroy the lab.

And that was a week ago.

It had been radio silence since, and frankly, you were more than just a little on edge.

"Knew I'd find you here, doll."

Turning your head from the window, you found Graves leaning against the doorway of the break room, eyes on you with his arms crossed over his chest.

You smiled, before turning back to the window.

He pushed off the wood, moving over to you and taking the seat next to you, "Shouldn't wander off on your own, not in your state."

"I was shot, Phillip, I'm not dying." You laughed.

"It was bad though, you could'a."

You sighed, shrugging, "Yeah, nothin' I haven't experienced before. I'm alright, until Em has to come and help me in and out of the shower or into bed."

Graves laughed, leaning a little closer, "Y'know, I could help, I am stronger after all."


Your small laughs brought a wide smile to his face.

He knew how much you'd struggled being cut off from everyone, not having Laswell to keep you in the loop, and he'd tried his best to distract you from it, to keep you safe and healing well.

"Really though, are ya doin' okay?" He spoke once more, scooting closer to place a warm hand on your leg.

"Yeah, m'okay. Starting not to hurt so much anymore."

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now