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I just have to take this time to personally thank some of you, who are responsible for inspiring me to continue this story and write a prequel.

Your comments, messages, and interactions with Catching A Ghost bought me to tears on several occasions, and I don't know how I could ever repay you.

Any of you.

Just a wholehearted, big fat THANK YOU to each and every one of you for taking the time to read my writing and, most of all, for loving it.

I fucking love you guys.

So, if you see your name below, just know that this book wouldn't exist without you.

@mirage_v, @suckmyfeministballs, @V3mp1r4, @AsheDjarin, @elliemas10

@ALEX-TITIES69, @simon_rileys_wife

@Momo2589, @xenobex, @Neirouisg4y, @ShylinDunaway, @notsoclevertbh, @BeaBarian 


@smolfox69, @letter1_132211, @CornKob_, @kyiqne

And if your name isn't there, that doesn't mean your support meant less to me. Each and every one of you pushed me through and inspired me. I could not be more appreciative of the support, and the time you spent reading.

This book is a bit more fast-paced given the timeline, but I hope you love it.

Now, on to the story. And strap in, take note of the trigger warnings, because this book is one wild ride.

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now