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After the attack on General Ghorbani in Al Mazrah, it was all guns blazing.

The Al-Qatala had started fighting back in full force, and their second in command, Major Hassan Zyani, was now leading the terrorist group.

It had been almost impossible to keep tabs on him, the group clearly taking extreme precautions to protect their new leader. 

That's where you came in.

Expert at stealth and covert ops, you and your team were the ones to call for sneaking through abandoned camps and gathering intel. The Echo 6 team was unmatched, and you their fearless leader.

That's all this was. 

Laswell had provided you with as much information as she possibly could. The base camp in question was hidden within the trees that covered the mountains on the border of Russia and Kazakhstan, after satellite images picked up on movement there.

The base consisted of a warehouse, overlooked by a small watchtower with an office. Information from troops on the ground there already had confirmed that the place was empty, so you and the team would be going in solo.

Shadow Company would be watching from the skies, ready to engage should you need it and maintaining overwatch for any threat that may emerge.

Not that you were nervous, it'd been a long time since you'd felt anxiety over a mission, but knowing your fiancé would be watching over you always gave you that sense of protection and support.

It brought a smile to your face, knowing Phillip Graves had your back.

You were safe when he was around, and he made damn-well sure you knew it.

Laswell dismissed the meeting quickly, eager for everyone to get ready and begin. It still amazed you how she had so many safe houses dotted all over the globe. No matter where the mission was, there was always a base for briefing and preparations.

The woman was endlessly resourceful.

Standing on the tarmac as Shadows buzzed around you, making the final checks on the helo, you played with your tac-vest, tugging on the Velcro holding the body cam to your chest.

Shepherd had insisted that every operation in connection to AQ be recorded after what happened with the Russian PMCs nine months before.

"You ready, Lt?"

You turned to face the voice, finding Stevens adjusting his own cam as he approached you.

"Piece of cake, Stevens," you smiled under the mask, "Remember, quick in and out, Laswell just wants some intel."

Turning from him briefly to pick up your knives from the crate, you shoved two of them into their holsters, keeping the third twirling through your fingers.

"That why you don't have your gun?" the brunette smirked back at you.

"You know me, don't need a gun to do some damage."

"Ain't that the truth!" Orlando spoke as he approached the two of you, his arm wound tightly around Bradshaw's waist, "Y'all ready?"

The sight made your heart swell; love was all around you, and the life you'd built here was so fulfilling, you couldn't see what John had been so worried about.

"Let's do this."

With one last briefing from Laswell, everyone was piled onto the Shadow Company helo for the short ride to the LZ, silence falling amongst the bodies in the carrier.

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now