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When you finally returned back to base, the entire place was in chaos. 

Military officials were running frantically everywhere, papers flying and phones ringing off the hook; something had happened.

When the two of you dropped out of your vehicle, a breathless Laswell approached you.

"(Y/N), with me, now. Alex, go see the General. She'll fill you in."

You looked to Alex, who shrugged before splitting off, and you followed Laswell closely to the tent. Upon entering, several images and stills of videos were scattered across the screen, and a laptop was set up in front of the seat.

Scanning the images, you'd recognise that place anywhere.

Piccadilly Circus.

Covered in police tape, cordoned off, body bags everywhere. 

You turned to Laswell, eyes wide, "That's London, Kate. What the hell happened?"

"Terrorist attack."

"In the middle of London? How does that even happen now?" You spoke, voice raising unsteadily.

"We located some of the stolen gas." She sighed. "Lost several men and there were, unfortunately, a number of civilian casualties too. We had Sabre and Bravo on it, but..."

"Sorry, what? Bravo? You trying to tell me my fucking brother was on the frontline to this?!"

You looked back at the images, heart pounding. The destruction from the pictures was the tip of the iceberg, you knew that much. All of those bodies, all of those soldiers, lost. And one of them could be him. 

"Kate, I swear to god do not pussy-foot around me. If anything has happened to Captain Price-"

"Take a breath, little bug. Anyone would think ya worried about me."

The voice crackled from the laptop, and you turned quick enough to break your own neck, stumbling to sit down in front of the screen.

There, you saw John, not a single scratch in sight, but he was still in his gear, looking as though he was hunkered down in a safehouse, several people blurring past him in the background.

"John! Thank god you're okay."

"O'course I am. What the hell happened to ya?" He said, nodding to the bandage wrapped around your arm.

"Ambush in Verdansk. M'good." You shrugged it off, "What the fuck is- Kyle?"

Just behind him, you caught a glimpse of a man you'd not seen for a few years, but a man you'd come to know incredibly well. At the sound of his name, he looked up, and moved to lean over your brother's shoulder.

"(Y/N)? That you?" He spoke.

"Yeah, it's me. Bloody hell Garrick, how've you got roped into this?"

"Sabre sent us in half-arsed, still trying to pretend we're not at war."

"Fucking lie of the century, that." You laughed. "I'm glad you're okay. Y'look good."

"Lookin' good too, (Y/N)-"

"Excuse me." Price cut him off, "Wanna explain how ya know my sister, sergeant?"

Gaz's eyes went wide, his mouth stuttering nonsense words under the interrogating gaze of your older brother. 

You rolled your eyes, but explained nonetheless. You told John of how after he was sent out on mission halfway through your basic training, Kyle Garrick had been one of the new recruits, fresh from the Police. 

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now