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"Who's the lurker, Chief?"

You locked eyes with Alex, who had a huge smile on his face, while the others stared, each of them very unsubtly checking you out. Laswell waited until you were next to her to speak again.

"This is Reaper," Laswell introduced you, "she's your new lieutenant."

You gave the group a small wave, smiling under your mask. Gaz returned the wave, as did Soap, while the others nodded to you graciously.

"Impressed you clocked me." you spoke to the masked man. "I guess that makes you Ghost."

"Fuck you." You spat back.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, fuck you, Ghost." You repeated, raising your voice to a yell as you stood up, walking over to stand in front of him.

"You best watch your tone, soldier." He warned, voice gruff and venomous.

"General Shepherd has ordered that the Shadow Company oversee this mission, and frankly, we need their expertise and their equipment." Laswell said before any more could ensue.

"Exactly. From here on out, we're a team. You need us."

"We don't need you." You spoke, deadpan.

"(Y/N)! Baby! There you are, been lookin' for you everywhere, princess. This is where you've been hiding from me?"

Ghost snorted a little under the mask, giving the impression that he was laughing, which made your smile ten times wider.

"Ya did good today."

"Wow, a compliment two days in a row, I'm honoured, sir."

"Don't get used to it."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were warming up to me."

"Good job you don't know any better then."

"Every little thing you do impacts me and I'm sick of it."

"And that's my fault?" you laughed cynically.

"Yeah, it fuckin' is!"

"How is that my fault, huh? You chose to open up, I didn't make you!"

"Yeah, well maybe I shouldn't have!"

You scoffed, not able to stop the bitter smile gracing your lips as you tried to blink away the tears.

"Right, yeah. 'Cause Simon 'Ghost' Riley is the big bad lone wolf of the military, isn't he? God forbid he EVER makes any friends or lets anyone know the real him."

Ghost battled with himself. There was no turning back now, he'd shownyou his face. 

"Ghost-" you started.

"Simon." He growled. "Call me Simon, please."

"You knew what you were doing when you shot that missile, didn't you?"

Graves looked at you, but not in your eyes. That's something he could never do if he was lying. Despite everything he did, he was never able to look you in the eyes as he lied.


"Liar." your voice cracked, tears welling in your eyes.

As soon as the doors opened, you ran into Price's arms, holding onto him for dear life.

"The next time I hear you try and give up your life, I'm gonna kill ya myself." he joked.

"I second that." Laswell said, joining the hug.

One after another, the team piled on, until you were in the middle of a very large, very tight group hug...with your family.

Maybe the 141 is home?


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Catching A Ghost | Simon 'GHOST' Riley

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now