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Standing atop the building as the sun set, you looked over the city of Urzikstan. 

After liberating the airbase, it was quiet...peaceful.

It looked beautiful.

"You have a really beautiful country, Farah." You spoke quietly.

The two of you, being the only women, had been killing time and getting to know each other better between updates from Laswell and the other liberation forces on ground. You'd found that you had a lot in common, and it was bonding you well.

Farah was a woman you would want in your corner; strong, beautiful, courageous. A natural born leader.

"Thank you, Reaper-"

You stopped her, pulling your mask down to offer her a smile, "Call me (Y/N), please."

It almost felt wrong that you were coming across as distrusting, when she'd saved your life earlier that day. So you showed her your face, and gave her your real name. She seemed to appreciate your openness, flashing a wide smile back at you before going back to rolling her cigarette.

"May I ask why you wear that?"

"To keep my family safe. Hides my identity enough that they can't be linked to me. Which I've found was a smart thing to do, when your brother is Captain Price." 

She laughed, then, shaking her head, "I thought you seemed familiar. I think it is the accent."

"Yeah, it's not very subtle, is it?" You laughed back.

Your conversation was interrupted by the crackling of the radio, Farah's forces confirming that AQ had taken over the hospital, and were using the civilians there as human shields to protect someone, or something.

You stood watching the streets below, as Alex and Farah spoke.

"Where will you go when this is over?" Farah asked him.

He sighed, hands moving to rest on his vest, "Wherever they send me." 

"You don't choose?"

"Not exactly." Alex scoffed. 

"Well, you're a brave man, Alex."

You stifled a chuckle as you saw his cheeks redden, and he cleared his throat, "Uh, yeah. Thanks, cuz."

"Rest up." Farah smiled, "Tomorrow is a big day."

"What about you and your men?" He asked.

"We'll be here until sunrise." Farah said, taking her position and raising her sniper to her eye. 

It was silent for a moment, you looking between the two of them as Alex stared at the back of Farah's head, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I'll cover the open corner."

Farah turned, raising an eyebrow to you as you both watched him do exactly that. Squatting down in the dust and resting his gun on the broken bit of wall in front of him.

She smiled, and turned back to her weapon.

"Is he always like that?" She whispered to you.

You giggled, standing up and brushing off your trousers, "Unfortunately, yes, but you get used to it."

With that, you left her to her thoughts, not missing the way she looked back to Alex and smiling to herself once more.

How cute.

You made your way over, kicking a few rocks out of the way to clear a nice area for you to set up next to him.

"Hey, Casanova." You nudged him as you sat down. "Here's a wee bit of advice, best friend to best friend - maybe don't refer to the women you'd like to sleep with as 'cuz'." 

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now