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Almost immediately, Graves marked his territory.

He basked in the stares and whispers you'd received as you arrived at base together in his car the morning after, walking along the tarmac hand in hand. 

You were finally his, and after a year of chasing you, he would waste no more seconds in letting people know he'd got you.

The same way he wasted no second in making you his officially, signing the agreement that your relationship would not come between work, and finally, persuading you to move out of your 'grubby little room' as he put it, and into his quaint little house a few miles away.

Rolling over, you sighed, the time on the clock letting you know that once again, you'd missed curfew back on base.

Graves, blissfully unaware, rolled with you, hands slipping around your waist as he leaned in, placing soft kisses along your shoulder blades.

"You okay, baby?" He mumbled into your skin.

"Missed curfew again. I'm gonna get in trouble one of these days."

"Screw curfew, stay here with me."

You smiled, rolling over to face him, your naked bodies tangled under the white cotton covers enveloping the two of you.

"I can't Graves, you know that. I'm signed on at base, I'm supposed to be there."

He pouted, shoving his head into your chest, bringing you closer to him. The movement made you giggle, his stubble tickling your sternum as the smell of his shampoo circled your nose.

"Jus' hate wakin' up without you, baby. Miss you all the time you're not here."

"Me too." You whispered back, fingers running through his hair.

"So move in with me."


You stopped all movement, looking down at him with wide eyes as he pulled away from you to look at you.

"Be serious, Phillip. We've only been together a couple of months."

He looked at you dead in the eye, expression motionless, "I am bein' serious, doll. Move in with me."

Your heart was beating wildly, and suddenly your palms were sweating.

Move in with him?

You sat up quickly, eyes still wide and mouth agape, "Really? You want that?"

"More than anything else in the world, (Y/N). Why wouldn't I want you with me all the time?"

No words would come, and so you did all your brain could focus on doing. You pounced from your position, landing on top of him softly, taking his face into your hands and bringing his lips to yours.

He smiled into the kiss, his own hands pulling you onto his body as they rested at your waist.

"That a yes, princess?" He smirked at you, nose brushing yours.

"Fuck yes."

Being with Phillip Graves couldn't be compared to anything else.

He had you floating on air 90% of the time, giving you the perfect princess treatment that every girl wished for growing up. It was hard to see yourself with anyone else, and you kicked yourself constantly for wasting a year pushing him away.

As Grim as the Reaper | PREQUEL Simon 'GHOST' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now