𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬.

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"for the last time- i'm not gonna do it."

if there was one thing that the blond male had learned from reading manga's in his spare time- it's that you should never get in between family arguements, especially if it's between your friend and their scary-looking cousin.

it will only give you trouble.

poor matsuno chifuyu didn't even know what happened after he and baji were standing in front of class 3-2. all he remembered was that he was dragged to the raven haired males apartment, trying to convince keisuke's cousin to be his tutor.

the (h/c) haired female refused on the spot when her cousin asked for her help in tutoring his friend. saying something about not being paid enough in tutoring him and he's going to add even more stress on her plate- it was chaotic.

baji keisuke refused to stand down, following her home with chifuyu on his grasp as he tried to convince her to help them out.

this leads to him sitting in between the two relatives. a small, awkward smile is painted on his face as he tried to busy himself by counting the grains of rice that's on his plate.

"and i told you- just help him ace this test!" the two cousins glared at each other from across the table, making the poor blond uncomfortable at the intensity of their gazes and the auras that were seeping out of them.

blue eyes stared at her figure with a questioning look, wondering just why was she not giving in- it's not like he's insufferable! he didn't even do anything wrong to make her deny in helping him!

it's not like y/n was really against on tutoring him. she has all the free time in the world to squeeze one more guy in her schedule to tutor- but the (h/c) haired girl has standards and knew better than to give away her precious braincells for free.

especially if it's with her cousin or his friends.

don't get her wrong, in her eyes, everyone has their ups and downs, strengths and weaknesses. but god help her if its with keisuke or any one close to him- to her, they're all automatically helpless. except her of course, she's the only exemption.

and if you tell her 'oh c'mon- give them a chance! they're not that dumb!', she'll pull out an entire log book showing you how many sessions she and her cousin had to take and the guy still has three make-up tests to take.

so yeah, she's not wasting any more of her time tutoring people that she knows are helpless without a price.

"it's a no for me- try again next time."

baji let out a loud groan, slamming his head on the table that caused their drinks to spill their contents onto its wooden surface. this made the (e/c) eyed girl to irk in her spot, immediately thinking of ways on how to murder her own cousin without alerting her aunt.

a sigh left past her lips as she stood up, taking her bag from beside her and began making her way out of the room.

"i don't even know why i stayed in the first place-"

"a month's worth of (f/f) and free drives anywhere. just help chifuyu out."

said male looked at his friend with wide eyes, not knowing how to react at such huge bargain and began telling him that it's alright.

"it's fine keisuke. i'll just try and get one of my classmates-" chifuyu was cut off when the sound of a bag hitting the wooden floors resonated around the room, looking at y/n who had a brow raised and her lips curling to a smirk.

"a month's worth of (f/f) and free drives anywhere?"

"fuck's sake- yes, anywhere."

never in his entire fifteen years of existence had baji keisuke want to murder one of his own blood-related family. especially his cousin since she was the only person in his family that is close to his age and just close to him in general.

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫. - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now