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"you'll do fine, matsuno. just try and remember what we've learned last week- you'll ace it for sure."

three students are seen standing in front of the teacher's lounge, one looking like they want to beat up everyone around them, one who looks tired out of their mind and one who looks like they're about to shit their pants.

namely baji keisuke, l/n y/n, and matsuno chifuyu.

today is the marked re-test, an event that the blond male has been fully anticipating because he wants to see just how much he had improved.

chifuyu actually did very well on the tests that the (h/c) haired female would give him during their study sessions and would even get her questions right without needing to hear the full sentence.

true, he did encounter a little trouble when it comes to certain topics like spelling and such- but that doesn't mean that he didn't improve.

and all this is because of l/n y/n, his lovely, dear tutor.

during the span of last week, it was clear to him that she tried her best on making the lessons easier for him to understand, something that sparked a form of endearment inside of him because of this.

and it wasn't just to him- even her own cousin saw how hard she worked just for his friend to pass in english, a subject that he absolutely loathed yet passed because of her.

he would always see her in the leaving room with books around her, fingers covered in ink as she diligently wrote down notes for chifuyu himself to understand- something that she doesn't even do to him.

talk about favoritism.

and with all the effort and thought that she had put out just to help him, it would be embarrassing if he failed. chifuyu wouldn't know how to face her any more if it did happen-
he hopes and prays that it doesn't.

so when the day of his inevitable test finally arrived, he sure as heck studied the hell out of his mind the night before. memorizing the notes, trying to quiz himself just to make sure and even made goals for himself if he passed and if he fails.

he'd get to treat himself to a nice cone of ice cream if he got a score above 80%.

and he'll ban himself from his mangas for a month if he got anything lower than a 60%.

"just get in there and take the fucking test, i don't have all day y'know." y/n looked at her cousin with disappointed written all over her face, letting out a tired sigh as she placed a comforting hand on chifiyu's back.

"you're already two minutes late. just take it easy and read through every question properly, we'll be waiting out here."

the blond male turned to look at his companions one last time before nodding in determination, gripping his school bag as he readied himself for what lies beyond these doors.

his test, of course.

"right, i can do this- i won't disappoint you." the (h/c) haired female let out another sigh at this, not fully understanding why he looked up to her so much when all she did was dumb down the lessons for him.

but nonetheless, and also to avoid breaking his composure, she gave him a nod and gestured towards the door.

"i know you won't. now get in there so that we can get ice cream- keisuke stop that."

blue eyes watched as the two cousins slap each others hands away from one another, a certain person almost biting the other's hand because it touched their face.

baji keisuke held her hands away from him and turned to look at his friend with a questioning look, wondering why the fucker was still standing there.

"well? get your ass in there and let's go!" this snapped chifuyu out of his shock, giving them one last nod as he turned around, a shaky hand gripping the door and sliding it open to see his english teacher waiting there for him.

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫. - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now