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thursdays are l/n y/n's most favorite day of the week- no tutoring sessions scheduled throughout the day!

aside from helping out her classmates understand a problem here and there, the (h/c) haired girl isn't really that busy compared to yesterday and the day before that where she was fully booked with people who needed to be tutored.

don't get her wrong- tutoring is like breathing air for her. but god spare her if she has to help people who can't comprehend simple sentences, she'll snap at them for sure.

so a break from all the books and 'dumb' people is what she needed badly, especially if you've been tutoring your cousin who can't spell to save his life.

a small sigh left past her lips, (e/c) irises peering out of the window as the sight of her classmates and schoolmates alike are seen walking about in the courtyard. other's are seen racing towards the cafeteria to get first dibs on the food.

y/n is sitting all alone inside of her classroom, just trying to enjoy her lunch peacefully before her next subject rolls in and would give her a potential headache by dropping another homework on the class- a thing that she despises despite being one of the honor students.

from an outsider's perspective, she's nothing more than an introverted transfer student who's related with that rowdy delinquent a few class down.

but to those who share the class with her and has had the fortune on being tutored by her, she's just someone who enjoys the serenity that the silence brings- something that calms her down and prevents her from bashing people's head on their desks.

those who are closest to her will know not to disturb her whenever she prefers to be alone, because the girl acts like a ticking time bomb when that happens- and the only thing to bring that timer down is when she's left all alone to avoid any casualties.

she's like the tamed version of baji keisuke, and even the teachers can see that whenever they make eye contact with her.

god knows how many times their science teacher felt a shiver go up their spine when they made eye contact with those calculating (e/c) eyes of hers. it made them remember the time when the raven haired male blew something up in the science lab with a grin on his face- better not to mess with her or else the same thing would happen.

"y/n! there you are."

her attention was taken from away from the window and towards the now open classroom doors where a certain blond student is seen standing there with a small, wrapped treat in his hand.

chifuyu matsuno took a deep breath in like he had just ran a marathon, signaling y/n to wait for a bit before giving her a grin.

"i looked all around the courtyard for you."

"we don't have any study sessions today, what would you need me for?"

don't tell anyone this, but she may or may not have forgotten all about the poor boy once the news of him passing his make-up test processed in her mind, forgetting about him like what she'd normally do to people that she had finished tutoring.

she believes that it's not necessary to memorize people's names, especially if you're not going to be seeing each other anymore.

chifuyu looked around the room, using it's empty state as a queue to walk in and proceeded to make his way towards the (h/c) haired girl who just wanted to enjoy her tonkatsu- she's hungry, don't judge.

"i wanted to give you this!"

the wrapped package in his hands is given to her, a wondering hum leaving past her lips as she carefully peeled back the cloth covering the contents.

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫. - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now