𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬.

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"why're you beaten up- sit down, i have a first aid in here somewhere."

to say that l/n y/n was surprised when she saw matsuno chifuyu in a beaten up state the next monday was an understatement, she almost had a heart attack right then and there because of this.

the blond tried to wave her off, saying that this was from yesterday and that most of his wounds had healed anyways- yet she didn't listen and insisted on removing his bandages so that they can change it to something more fresh. she told him it's for sanitary purposes.

"no really, please don't worry about me-"

"shut up or i'm shoving these bandages into your mouth. now hold still while i fix you up, alright?"

it hurts him- and i don't mean that physically because obviously, it hurts and he's probably bitching about it somewhere inside of him, but it hurts him because the (h/c) haired girl doesn't have a clue as to what's going on.

and obviously, there was no way that baji keisuke will tell her about what went down last saturday and yesterday.

chifuyu knows that he's not in any position to tell her what's going on, and it'll stay that way. because if baji hasn't told her anything, that means that this is a thing that should stay in between them.

after all, y/n has nothing to do with toman and valhalla.

the two are currently at a park that's located close to their school- this park right here has been their go-to, meeting here everyday so that they can both walk to school without her cousin disturbing their peace.

silence enveloped them as the blond kept still in his place on the swings, wincing here and there whenever the alcohol soaked cotton would touch his 'healed' wounds.

"is this what keisuke meant when he said that toman is getting in a fight with valhalla whatsoever? i thought that was next week?" she murmured, brows furrowed in concentration and concern that pulled at the males heart-strings.

now he understands why the former first division captain refused to tell her everything concerning toman and valhalla... because he knows that it'd worry her to the bone when she hears the news of him leaving his friends for some strangers.

and chifuyu respects that... which is why he's lying at the tip of his tongue like a venomous snake waiting to strike.

the blond haired male let out a chuckle, letting y/n wrap fresh bandages around his eye as he began explaining the situation.

"nah, this was from some thugs that i encountered yesterday- the fight is still next week." this made the (h/c) haired girl visibly relax, letting out a small sigh as she finished re-patching him up and fixing her things.

blue eyes watched in guilt as she packed her kit back in silence, knowing full well that she was just worrying about her cousin moments ago. y/n doesn't need to tell him for him to know that she's worrying about keisuke- it was a given fact.

the two look out for each other like they're siblings- they have a bond that is hard to destroy, and an attitude that's even harder to take down.

after zipping her bag back up, y/n took a seat on the swing next to his, keeping her vacant looking eyes trained to the road in front of them as another wave of silence dawned down upon them.

"i'm glad... i thought kei did something stupid again. he always does that, y'know?"

"heh, yeah i do. i had to stop him from setting a car on fire once before- man is he strong-willed to not be scared of the authorities." the (h/c) haired girl chuckled at this, swinging slightly as the morning breeze gently kissed her cheeks, cooling her down a little bit after minutes of silently worrying.

"he always does that- him and i actually set a police car on fire once because we were bored." chifuyu turned to her with eyes wide in shock, not expecting that even she herself has participated in one of baji keisuke's reckless stunts.

cars drove past them as they sat there waiting for the right time to leave and head to school, swinging in opposite directions as if they were children again.

however, matsuno chifuyu noticed the spaced out look that plagues her eyes, stopping his swing as he waited for her to calm down and maybe voice her thoughts out. even if he already knows what's happening, for the sake of her and keisuke, he'll pretend that he doesn't.

but he'll still listen to her problems, whenever and whatever they may be.

y/n followed suit, slowing down as it seems like she's finally back in their current reality.

"keisuke really does stupid things that are surprisingly right- but the way he deals with them is just so... stupid." (e/c) eyes met with his as a sullen smile etched itself on her features, hair lightly swaying in the wind as chifuyu kept his eyes on her and only her.

"i'm afraid that he'll get hurt... during toman's fight against valhalla- he's strong, yeah, but i just can't help but worry." an empty chuckly left past her lips as she trained her eyes on the ground, lightly kicking away the pebble that was right in front of her feet.

god is the guilt eating him away very much- and very painfully, i might add.

and as much as he just wants to blurt out his thoughts right then and there, to tell her everything that she needed to know- he's keeping his mouth shut.

"it's stupid of me to worry about someone who can handle themselves... but i- i can't handle seeing him hurt." their eyes met once more, sadness evident in her irises as his heart silently shattered into two.

blue eyes widened in shock when she leaned in closer, their noses almost touching as her eyes turned to something more pleading.

"chifuyu... i can trust you, right?" she asked, giving him a small smile as the blond struggled to find the strength in him to answer her simple question, so he just nodded like the idiot that he is.

y/n let out a relieved sigh, holding her closed fist up with only her pinky out as she waited for chifuyu to do the same, looping her finger around his as she looked at him directly in the eye. he isn't going to lie, it was uncharacteristic of her to have such a blank and empty look on her face even with that smile on her lips.

"then, promise me this..."

"on the day of your fight with valhalla, you'll protect keisuke, okay?"

he's aware that she's trying so hard not to show it, but the way on how her voice cracked a little bit showed him how genuinely scared and worried she is for her cousin. and although he knows that it's impossible now that he and baji are on different gangs, he can still protect him, right?

because didn't he tell himself that he'd do anything and everything just to keep that smile on her face- if worrying about baji is making her frown this much, then he'll do everything in his power to bring him back to toman and get that smile on her face back once more.

anything... just to make her happy.

giving her a smile, he nodded and oozed of faux confidence.

"of course! you can trust me on that."

promises, to l/n y/n, are nothing but mere words that leaves the mouth of every sinners that roam this earth that we live in- they are nothing but sayings that get carried in the wind the moment it leaves your lips.

however, matsuno chifuyu had changed her perspective on things.

now, promises to her are something that she holds a certain importance to- especially to the one that she had made now.

with a genuine smile gracing her features once more that shattered his heart right then and there, almost making him cry because of the pain and guilt he's currently feeling, she looked at him with hope swirling in her irises.

"then please... bring him back safe."

"i will."

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫. - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now