𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝.

588 18 13

time is irrelevant, especially to those who are experiencing the loss of someone close to them.

they say that in time, that wound in your heart will heal right back up and you'll be able to move on with your life and live- they say that that's what their passed loved one's would've wanted.

but why... even after a week since that damned incident happened... why does it still hurt like you're pouring rubbing alcohol on a fresh cut- it stings, it hurts, and you can't do anything about it but to sit there and just endure the pain.

matsuno chifuyu would like an answer to that question as he is seen sitting in front of the baji family grave monument, saying his silent prayers as he blankly stared at the lit up incense that has reached his senses.

people might tell him to not just go right now and to visit when he's ready- but... he hasn't even said his proper good-bye's yet, he wasn't even invited to the damned funeral.

not that he's complaining, he totally understands that, he really does.

but he can't bare to break another promise after he had broken the one that he thought he could do in just one click, couldn't bare the thought of having his only friend who knew him the most to be disappointed at him because he can't even relay a simple message.

oh who was he kidding, even if he was invited, what would he tell her?

he doesn't even have the strength to even think about what her reaction would be to her cousin's last words when she expected him to come home safe and sound that day- and... chifuyu couldn't handle seeing her frown again.

well, we can't do anything now, can we?

when all is said and done, at the end, you just have to say your prayers, say your peace to the passed and just... live.

keep their memories in your head, because that's the only place where you'll be able to see them again- where you'll be able to see those you love happy and smiling as if they were still and very much alive.

matsuno chifuyu sighed as he took out the pack of his already prepared peyoung yakisoba from it's plastic bag and ate it in silence, mind wandering about as the cars passing by the cemetery acted as his little white noise to prevent him from wandering too far off.

"oh, i didn't know that there's a picnic happening, i could've visited another day." well, fuck, just his luck- the person whom he's been avoiding the most showed up after not meeting with her for a week.

blue eyes turned to the side, almost tearing up as he saw... her.

l/n y/n is standing there with her hands filled with new incense to switch out and probable offerings that's been tied up and packed in her little tote bag. it was uncharacteristic of her to where clothing of dark colors, but it fits the mood, sadly.

at first, chifuyu was kind of relieved to have heard her voice again, thinking that this is the perfect opportunity to tell her what baji wanted to tell her and apologize for not protecting him.

but instead, he was met with her piercing (e/c) eyes and that stone-faced expression of hers, reminding the male of when they had first met months ago.

his worse nightmare had come true... and it's all his fault.

the (h/c) haired girl ignored his staring as she walked up beside him, giving her family grave a respectful bow as she began saying her silent prayers in hopes that the gods above would hear her- not like they ever listened.

and her cousin's death was the proof of that.

silence enveloped the entire cemetery as the blond kept on eating his share on the food, watching the girl take out the burning incense from their holder and replacing it with new ones, crouching down in front of the stone as her mind wandered off somewhere.

matsuno chifuyu didn't know what to say- was he even supposed to say anything?

"y'know... keisuke would always complain about having to light up an incense. he says that it smells weird and it'll stick to his clothing..." she began, taking the attention of the blond as he lend her his full attention.

"'s funny how now i'm lighting one up for him... he's probably rioting in... wherever he is." despite her letting out a chuckle, chifuyu can sense how empty and hollow it sounded- it wasn't like the ones that he's used to hearing from her.

his eyes landed at her figure who kept her attention at the smoke that the stick was releasing, it was as if it was enchanting her into a deep slumber.

"kei also hated the cemetery, he hates the vibes despite being a literal delinquent... he's a funny guy, really."

as much as he wanted to say something, he has a feeling that he shouldn't open his mouth right now in fear of saying something wrong that can topple her over the edge when all she wanted was to visit her dear cousin.

so, he stayed silent- keeping his eyes on her to give her a sense that he's still listening as he placed the half-eaten peyoung beside the burning incense which caught her attention.

(e/c) eyes blankly looked at the food, letting out a small sigh as she stood up with her tote bag in hand, giving one, last final bow towards her family grave as she turned around- but she hasn't walked away just yet.

chifuyu stayed seated, the faint smell of the subtle aroma coming from the burning stick reaching his senses as he waited for her to say anything else.

nothing can help him ignore the painful thumping of his heart, painfully waiting for any more words to leave her mouth that could possibly haunt him forever.

though, nothing can ever haunt him as much as the simple fact that he was the reason why that smile that he and baji keisuke worked so hard to protect... vanished in thin air like magic. blames himself for the potential pain that she's feeling- blames himself for everything.

she kept her promise on smiling more... but he can't even keep his on protecting her cousin.

after a minute of silence, the (h/c) haired girl finally broke the silence.

"he talks about you a lot, that keisuke. there was never a day where he wouldn't tell me- 'i don't regret saving him that day, he's a great friend.'"

"... and i would like to say the same- but i just can't." at this, matsuno chifuyu turned around and looked up to her, seeing a sullen smile on her face as her eyes stared down at him with nothing but pain and remorse swirling in her irises.

"how do i put this nicely..."

"matsuno chifuyu... i regret ever meeting you."


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