𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭.

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time couldn't pass by more quickly the entire week.

which each ticking coming from the clock, everyone was already sitting at the edge of their seats with one hand looped around their bag and the other one holding onto their test- waiting for the right time to strike.

they couldn't care anymore if they answered everything in 'educated' guesses, all they wanted more is to leave the damned room and to go out with their friends for an after-exams celebration.

i mean, honestly, who wouldn't?

'just a little bit more-!'

"alright, time's up. hand over your tests and you can go. enjoy your weekend kids." and with that, almost everyone got up from their seats and raced towards the teachers desk, all of them wanting to leave the room first.

matsuno chifuyu was the only one who took his time fixing his things, giving his paper to his friend who passed it to the teacher as he regained his breath. he's happy that exams are finally over, but right now, he couldn't care if he passed or failed everything- because his mind has been plagued the entire week.

whom, you may ask? well, it none other than l/n y/n of course.

for the following days after the first day of exam, he has been heading over towards her and baji's apartment to study with the raven haired male- though, he was also hoping to catch even just a small glimpse of her.

he know's that she's a strong girl. maybe not physically but mentally, she's probably even stronger than her own cousin. so it's an unsaid rule to not bother her and leave her be- but that doesn't mean that he can't worry.

because even though he might not be academically smart enough to get stressed on things like this, he also had those moments when he would just feel so drained to do things, even if they're the things that he loves.

so he hopes that his little present would be enough to bring a smile to her face.

"yo, chifuyu, the book is on it's move." oh and, his plan wouldn't work if it wasn't for the help of his dear, good friend, baji keisuke.

chifuyu wasted no time, getting up from his seat and joining the raven haired male outside of their classroom where the two began walking away towards the direction of the shoe lockers.

"you know what to do right?" he asked, making baji hum whilst trying not to punch those overly-joyed students who were bumping onto him- one almost spilling their strawberry milk on him that made the male just want to snap.

"yeah yeah, just bring her back by ten- and don't even think about starting shit, you got me?"

though chifuyu is aware that the last sentence isn't really a threat and he shouldn't be bothered by it, the way how his friend said it just... sent shivers down his spine that even breathing next to him feels like a crime.

"sure man. thanks again." and with that, the two of them finally reached the shoe lockers where y/n would be.

baji just prays that her friends would be there still stalling for time or else he had wasted a couple yen just to get them on their little plan.

despite students flocking around them left and right, he still saw her as if she was the only person in the building with him. with her brows quirked in confusion, wondering why her friends are stopping her from leaving her spot, chifuyu thought she looked cute.

in fact, everytime they're together, he would always think that she's cute no matter what.

she's angry? the way she'd pout makes her look harmless. she's focused on one thing? the way her tongue would be prodding on her cheek makes her look like a cute chipmunk- in chifuyu's point of view, anyone who can't see how cute she is are all blind, no buts or if's.

wait... is that all? don't forget to tell them how your hearts thumps a certain beat whenever you're with her, mister matsuno.

heat rose to his cheeks, palms sweaty as he and his friend walked closer to where y/n is. is it getting hot in here? because damn... he's sweating like he's in a fucking sauna.

(e/c) eyes met with his blue ones, the look of confusion melting into something of relief as she silently asked for his help. the way how her eyes softened at the sight of him made his heart beat that paritcular beat that he knows would only happen when he's with her.

"chifuyu, keisuke, there you guys are. i was about to look for you when my friends dragged me here, sorry about that." she apologized, sending a small glare to her group of friends who mainly giggled and ran out of the campus, waving her goodbye and leaving her with the two.

the blond haired male scratched the back of his head, sending a sheepish smile her way as he tried to form a decent sentence without stuttering.

"it's alright, we're here now."

"yeah- don't be a pussy and say it already, goddamnit." two sets of eyes turned to baji keisuke's direction, one with irises swirling in confusion and one in disbelief- you probably know who they are by now.

y/n turned towards chifuyu's direction, looking at him in wonder whilst the poor blond is currently trying to remember his prepared sentence for this particular situation.

"chifuyu? is there something wrong?"

"ah... um..."

goddamnit, how is he supposed to ask her out on a simple ride when she's acting so damned cute?!

baji's right, don't be a pussy and just ask it already- you can act all lovestruck and shit when you get back home. now do it.

with newfound confidence, matsuno chifuyu took a deep breath in and looked at the (h/c) haired girl straight in the eyes, ignoring how his heart is literally thumping in his ears now.

"y/n, do you wanna go out on a ride around tokyo with me?" never in his life has he been embarrassed into saying those thirteen words out loud, wanting nothing more than to turn around and bury himself six feet under at the school's courtyard.

he was quite thankful that almost all students are busy chatting with their own peers and friend groups, not minding that there's a possible rejection to a ride out just beside them.

y/n let out a hum, nodding slightly as she placed a finger on her chin, giving the blond a small smile that he'd always get so excited to see.

"sure, that sounds great."

baji let out a loud sigh of relief, as if he was the one to ask her that question and proceeded to give a pat on his friend's back.

"you did it after all. enjoy and remember the rules or else your bones will be turned to poweder." and with that, the raven haired male began walking to his own shoe locker to get the hell out of there and probably steal a couple cats on his way home.

chifuyu gave y/n a big grin, subconciously taking her hand into his as he immediately bounded his way towards the school's exit.

"thank you! i promise that you won't regret this."

(e/c) eyes filled with shock and a little bit of endearment stared at his happy figure, heat rushing towards her cheeks to the tip of her ears as she looked down at their intertwined hands.

this was quite a bold action to make to someone that was your tutor, no? knowing little to nothing about one another, and to hold hands as if you've known each other for a life time- it's sending her heart to thump loudly on her chest.

for the first time since she's been living here in tokyo, never has she felt so... light.

and never has she thought that she'd actually feel what those protagonists in her favorite romance movie has felt.

"oh right, i need to change my shoes out- please hold on!"

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫. - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now