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"what's up with you lately?"

"what do you mean- sit still or else i'll burn your hair out."

you might expect everyone to go on a grand holiday now that it's summer, but if you're the relative of baji keisuke and l/n y/n, you know it's better to stay at home rather than pay for the damages that these two will cause.

as much as his mother wanted to take the two out and maybe visit an amusement park- she said that it was better to be safe than sorry, not wanting to have a repeat on last years incident.

poor woman can still feel the heat that was coming from the car in front of her that she obviously doesn't own, hearing the cackles and giggles coming from her own son and niece.

the news about them having to stay in this boring apartment for the entire duration of their summer vacation left them in the dumps for a short period of time- until a certain someone had the idea of setting a pile of leaves on fire, showing that they can have their own little fun around their neighborhood.

so, the two spent the first few weeks of their summer running about, stealing cats and returning them a week later after the poor feline got dyed in (f/c) and blue. they also attempted to raid a small convenience store just down the block when keisuke's mother caught them and dragged the two back to the apartment.

now here they are, three days in their little house arrest. y/n is seen sitting on the couch while keisuke is sitting in front of her with a visible pout on his face as the (h/c) haired female is busy styling his hair in odd ways.

they had moved on from hair ties to curling irons, which scared the raven haired male a bit because who knows what his own cousin will do with that... contraption, as he would like to call it.

"what do you mean what do i mean? you've been more... smiley, even in public." the male turned around, not bothered that he was almost hit by the hot iron as he faced her with eyes narrowed in suspicion.

placing both of his hands on her face and squishing her cheeks together, he began shaking her head in random directions.

"who are you and what did you do to y/n you damned wizard?!"

"keishukeh- whill yu shtap ith?"

y/n began feeling dizzy, taking his hands off her face and gave him a small glare, patting her cheeks softly to try and relieve the pain that they were feeling right now.

keisuke would admit, it is quite strange for his beloved cousin to suddenly act so... cheerful outside the comforts of their humble abode and thought that a spirit is instead in her body, causing her to act this way.

but... he was also relieved that she's starting to be more friendly to strangers and not scaring them away before even opening her mouth.

to say that he was worried when she got enrolled in his school was an understatement- for the first two weeks of her being there, he had to follow her around and make sure that no girls or boys would tease her or bully her for acting so cold towards them.

if he ever saw someone doing that to y/n, he won't hesitate to kick them.

l/n y/n to him, she's like his little sister.

no matter how many petty fights the two would get in, they'll be back to being friends in a matter of minutes. no matter how tall or how old their opponents are, they've got each other's backs.

so he's proud that she's finally starting to go out of her shell and explore the world without worries.

though, that doesn't mean that he isn't curious to the fact that there is definitely someone behind why she's like this- and he's going to get to the bottom of this.

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫. - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now