𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟𝐟.

579 23 4

"i'm having a great time- keisuke, did you really have to join us today?"

saturday couldn't come faster than what matsuno chifuyu had expected. and now, he's walking around the mall with none other than l/n y/n.

oh, and let's not forget her own cousin, baji keisuke.

originally, it was supposed to be only chifuyu and y/n who're going to go and enjoy their saturday out. but because their hang out was scheduled the same day that keisuke was supposed to be tutored, he was salty to find out when his cousin and friend are going out without him.

so, out of spite, he decided to tag along.

though the (h/c) haired girl could care less if her cousin joins them today, chifuyu had other plans.

you see, he was actually hoping to have her all alone for the day because he had acquired tickets to free (f/f) at a restaurant nearby- he cannot afford to feed his friend knowing that he'll be the one eating his portion of (f/f).

this was supposed to be a normal day where he'll be finally able to give his proper thanks to the girl who helped him pass the stupid subject called 'english', but now it turned to 'get baji keisuke away from you so that you can feed your savior (f/f)'.

"baji... why don't you go and meet with the other captains for a bit? don't you guys have a meeting anyways?" the blond asked, letting out an awkward laugh as the first division captain rolled his eyes at him, crossing his arms like a pouting child.

"not until i have a taste of that (f/f) that you guys are having."

he's a literal man-child, but he's a loved one.

chifuyu sighed in defeat, slumping beside a random wall as he gave up on trying to get his beloved friend to leave them for now. y/n stopped walking and noticed at how dejected the blond looks, humming in thought as she made her way up to her cousin and tapped him on the shoulder.

the raven haired male looked down at her, arms still crossed as she pointed at a random spot over yonder.

"keisuke, i'm sorry for ditching and forgetting our tutoring session, but i'd like to spend my saturday with matsuno. can you please meet up with your friends, or stay there until we finish eating? i'll buy you a take out of (f/f) if you do."

"it's no use, y/n... he wont budge-"


the first division vice-captain had to do a double take at his friend who began walking away from the two, quite literally barking at a child as he took a seat at the malls fountain and is now glaring at everyone who passes by him.

it's embarrassing, but it works.

the (h/c) haired girl gave chifuyu a pat on the shoulder, nudging her head towards the direction of the restaurant as she coaxed him to follow her towards the place.

"let's go?"

"how do you do that?" he asked, following behind her as he sent his friend fleeting glances until the crowd made it tough for him to see the raven haired male.

never in his entire time of knowing the first division captain has he seen him back down from something that he had set his mind to- he would always, always make sure to include himself even if he knows he shouldn't be there.

y/n hummed in though, sending a glance at the male as the two of them walked up to the restaurant, the smell of multiple delicacies reaching their senses in each step that they take.

"kei has been like that growing up. the only thing that would calm his down is either food or to bring him to the pet center, he likes to play with the kittens there." she explained, giving him her quick thanks as chifuyu opened the door for her.

that's right, they're actually related to each other, of course she would know how to stop one of baji's tantrums like the back of her hand.

after all, he had just met the guy a year ago, he wouldn't know everything of the male- what do you think was the reason why he didn't know that he has a cousin in the first place? baji keisuke is a secretive guy, you don't know what he's thinking until he has made his move.

it's a trait that everybody likes from him- but its also a scary trait for him to have.

"he may not look like it, but keisuke is actually smart... just not academically. he knew that he was intruding my personal space, so he backed off."

the two fifteen year olds are now sitting at a booth located just near the restaurants window, the waiters serving them their drinks as they await for their main course.

"baji is my idol- he's a great division captain! he would always go woosh, and then wahpow! he's amazing."

(e/c) eyes observed the blond in front of her, she watched the way on how he animatedly talked about her cousin like keisuke had done something life changing. the way he talks about him... shows just how much matsuno chifuyu idolizes the guy- it's a sight to see, really.

although y/n herself isn't too keen on her cousin being a literal division captain to a gang, it was nice seeing people look up to him. because growing up, she looked up to him as well.

if anything were to happen to him, she would blame even the gods for it- that's how much she cares for her cousin, he's like her own big brother.

"i'm glad to know that people look up to him... even if he can't spell correctly." matsuno chifuyu had to hold back his laughter, clenching a fist to his mouth as the (h/c) haired girl let out a short giggle.

the sound leaving her lips caused the blond to stop and look at her with wide eyes, making the girl look at him with her brows raised in confusion.

"are you alright?"

"you giggled... you actually giggled."

how could matsuno chifuyu forget the real reason why he took her out in the first place? it was to see that cold exterior of hers melt- and it's slowly working.

a smile etched itself onto his face, the blond letting out an amused chuckle as y/n sat there not knowing what to do- is she really that straight-faced that someone is celebrating for her giggling... wow.

"i... did? is that not normal." the male frantically held his hands up in defense, spouting out things that even he couldn't understand as he tried to explain why it's normal and how she should do it more because- you get the point!

"no no, i-" he was cut off when she chuckled, cupping a hand on her mouth to muffle out her laughter as her (e/c) eyes glimmered in delight.

this guy right here... he's really entertaining.

"you're so happy with the fact that i giggled... it's kind of cute."

oh my heavens, is his heart alright at this point? is... is he still breathing?

"you should smile more... it suits you."

and that my friends, is how you set up an awkward teenager to fall in love with his cold-hearted tutor.

with her eyes wide in shock, the smell of (f/f) welcomed her as the waiters served them their food. matsuno chifuyu immediately dug in to his own serving to stop his mouth from spouting any more embarrassing things.

y/n decided to eat her own food as well, giving her silent prayers to the gods as she ate her food absentmindedly.

unbeknownst to her, a smile was slowly etching itself onto her features as she enjoyed the comforting taste of the (f/f), with this cute and awkward dork in front of her.

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫. - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now