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mondays aren't usually this gloomy- normally, students in all grade levels would be littering the hallways, chatting with their peers or just causing absolute chaos that even their teachers couldn't handle.

but in this particular day, that was not the case. why? because it's exams week.

a week full of nothing but stress and pressure. at this point, all of the student's bodies are all filled with coffee at how many cups they had consumed the night before, trying to cram ever bit of information into their mind.

matsuno chifuyu is no different from them- almost passing out on his way to school because he accidentally stayed up all night rereading his notes and actually manually doing some of his failed math homework to try and understand how the formula works.

it may seem unhealthy, and it is, but honestly- everyone of us has those moments when we have nothing but the thought of passing in our mind, doing everything and anything in order to get on top.

that's the sad reality of being a student whose parent's have high expectations at them.

but it's not like anyone's expecting anything from the blond, no. it's actually him himself who expects to get high grades, wanting nothing more than to make his mother proud at him for something other than doing good deeds around the neighborhood.

isn't that why he looked for a tutor in the first place?

so here he is now, sitting inside of his classroom and taking his final exam of the day as the ticking on the clock reached his senses. imagine how pressured he is to finish the test before he runs out of time. the worst part is, the exam he's taking is math- a dumb subject who can't even find it's own x.

"ten more minutes left- make sure to write your names this time or else your test is automatically marked zero." well damn... chill.

don't we just hate it when the teacher just calls out how many minutes there is until you have to submit your work? no student can think straight when all they have in mind is the probability of submitting a half-empty output to the teacher- so they just write whatever they can just to avoid that.

'2x + 4(2x + 7) = 3(2x + 4)'

and the most dreaded thing happened... his mind went blank.

maybe it was the unhealthy cups of coffee that he had downed last night and before going to school? who knows, we'll never know- oh god... he's guessing now.

that's the most important thing that you'd want to avoid when you're taking a test that has your entire grade on the line is guessing. even if you're lucky to get the first half, you might not be lucky when they ask how you got the answer.

those 'show your answer' tests really haunts me to this day.

well, there's nothing we can do now but to watch as this sleep deprived kid rush his exam right then and there.

"three... two... one- time's up! everyone pass your papers to the front, and then you can leave."

the feeling of relief rushed over chifuyu's body as he slammed his pen down, managing to answer up to the last question just in time for the class to pass their papers. even with a quarter or so of the test being 'educated' guesses, all he cares about right now is to sleep until he feels like waking up.

"chifuyu, let's go!" blue eyes trained themselves towards the classroom doors to see none other than baji keisuke who has a grin on his face, waving the male to leave the room so that they can finally get on their merry way.

the blond was more than happy to leave, taking his bag from his chair and hurriedly leaving his test paper on his teacher's desk before running out of there as if he'll die if he spends another minute inside.

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫. - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now