𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦.

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true to his words, matsuno chifuyu did his best on reviewing the pointers given to him. and as confident as he can be, he knows that he'll ace whatever test l/n y/n is going to throw at him- even with his eyes closed.

he came to school in sheer determination, listening to all of his classes and even taking down notes similar to the style that the (h/c) haired girl used in the notes that she gave him.

to say that everyone was surprised is an understatement, they had to question whether or not he and baji keisuke finally broke their friendship off which resulted in the blond to finally focus on his studies.

a bit rude, don't you think?

but those were not the case, the guy just wanted to pass by his classes and care for once- is that hard to believe?

nevertheless, he didn't let what other people think to get the best of him and got up from his chair immediately once the last bell rang. chifuyu is excited to see if pulling an all-nighter reviewing rather than reading his favorite manga series has pulled off, that's why he rushed out of the room right then and there.

don't blame the poor boy, alright?

and to top it off, he managed to arrive at the same table in time with only three minutes to spare. however, to his confusion, y/n wasn't there and so were her things.

did she leave? no, that couldn't be, he's three minutes early! she should be here by now considering that she actually arrived ten minutes earlier than him.

then, did something happen to her? no, that sounds ridiculous. maybe she's making her way here right now, yeah, that's more believable.

a sigh left past his lips as he took a seat, catching his breath and calming his pumping heart down that was caused by him sprinting his way to the library to avoid being late a second time- poor guy couldn't handle receiving her glares anymore.

if he was being honest, this was the first time that he's actually excited to take a test in all of his school years. maybe it was because of his newfound inspiration to do so, but what is it specifically?

the pointers? i mean, it did give him helpful tips and actually made the topic easier to understand, so maybe it was that?

or was it because his tutor was actually a cute girl his age and not some old, wrinkly, fart who has the most boring voice on the face of the earth. maybe... we'll never know until chifuyu confirms it himself.

but it's between the two of those, and he's too excited to even make his mind up on which one really did inspire him.

he was snapped out of his trance when someone placed their hands on his shoulders and harshly shook him to grab his attention.

"dude, let's go grab some food and get the hell out of here." blue eyes are met with dark ones that are filled with mischief. baji keisuke grinning down at him as he continued to tug on his friend's collar to get him out of his chair and make their way to the canteen before the peyoung yakisoba sells out.

ah, matsuno chifuyu's weakness... his friend.

as much as he wanted to follow along with him, he really does need to attend his tutor sessions if he wants to pass the grade. and baji himself was the one who appointed him to his own cousin as his tutor, so why was he trying to get him to ditch the session?

"baji... i can't join you right now, i have english lessons with your cousin soon." this made the raven haired male hum in question, furrowing his brows as he looked around the room to try and spot the familiar (h/c) haired female.

"but she isn't here yet? and besides, we'll just get her to tutor you at home. now let's go and get ourselves some food."

"baji... i really need to attend my tutoring sessions. and i can't handle any more of your cousin's glare- it's scary."

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫. - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now