𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.

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when baji keisuke told matsuno chifuyu that everything will be alright and that nothing is going to happen to him- he was stupid enough to believe his words.

it'll be fun he said, it's just a regular tutoring session he said.

then can someone tell him why he felt like dying right then and there as l/n y/n's sitting in front of him with her arms crossed like a disappointed parent looking at their kid's report card ready to smack some sense into them?

he didn't mean it- he really didn't mean to be a minute late!

it was just that keisuke wanted to grab some peyoung before he drops his friend off in front of the library, telling him that it's alright if he's late because everyone does that.

well, apparently and obviously, it wasn't alright! who knew that someone like her would have the possibility of being able to kill someone just by their glare alone- is she about to throw that textbook at him?

"i'm sorry for being late- keisuke said it was alright to be late even if i told him that you'll get mad- sorry."

the blond didn't really tell his friend that. but a little white lie wouldn't hurt, right? and he's also telling the truth about the whole 'baji is hungry' and that jazz, so he needs to get involved too since he's the reason why he's late in the first place.

sorry, baji, but it's one for all- all for one.

chifuyu didn't dare look up from his bowing position, loudly gulping as he felt her intense glare die down and sighed.

"that guy. i'll make sure to talk to him when i get home."

seriously baji, good luck.

he took this as a sign to stand up, slowly standing upright and half expecting to clash with those (e/c) eyes of hers but sighed in relief when he saw that she was occupied with the textbook in front of her.

without looking up and breaking her focus, she lazily waved an arm to the vacant chair in front of her and motioned for him to sit.

"i reviewed the test sheet that you have- we'll be focusing on grammar today and proper punctuation the next."

it's ironic because the author herself doesn't have perfect grammar and doesn't know how to punctuate very well but here you all are, reading a book where a girl is about to tutor her love-interest with a language that mochi isn't familiar in.

chifuyu gratefully took a seat, placing his bag beside him not before taking out a pencil to note down what they're about to learn this afternoon.

he's not going to be like keisuke and- that's enough slander for one chapter, matsuno.

"i'll be giving you a short activity with only twenty numbers. think you can do that?" she asked, raising a brow at the now slightly confident male who gave her a carefree grin and leisurely leaned back on his chair.

"pshh- i can do it."

it was a good thing that his eyes were closed to not notice the (h/c) haired female roll her eyes at his over-confidence, taking a sheet of paper that was tucked in between the pages of the book that she's reading and handed it to him.

"you have ten minutes- start."

he didn't need to be told twice before acting, clenching the pencil in his had as his brows furrowed in concentration at the first question.

he's got this- if he can take down a couple of delinquents in one go then he can ace this test in just ten minutes.

it's just twenty, simple questions. how hard can it be-

"eight over twenty. not bad since you had a six out of twenty on your real test."

matsuno chifuyu visibly deflated in front of her like a balloon, leaning his head on the wooden surface and mentally cried out because he isn't doing any progress on his tutor lessons. the guy's got only a couple day's left until the make-up test. and at this rate, he won't score any higher than ten!

when he didn't comment on his initial score, y/n hummed and looked up from the paper that she was checking, noticing him being visibly upset as a sigh left past her lips.

it wasn't the first time that she had someone go all sad when they got a low score on her test, so she isn't that much bothered on how he's currently sulking in front of her.

"you did great. we still have six days until your make-up test, just read through this reviewer that i made and we'll try again tomorrow."

blue eyes watched as the (h/c) haired female began fixing all her things inside her bag and stood up from her chair, looking down at him with that same blank face of hers. a small, bundle of paper was placed in front of his face- the pointers that she had taken her time to make for him.

"same spot tomorrow, same time too. don't be late." and with that, y/n left him all alone at the table and made her way out of the library to go hunt her own cousin down- please pray for his poor soul.

it took a minute before chifuyu managed to process what had happened, sitting up with the papers bunched up in his hands and brows furrowed in determination.

like she said, they only had six days left, and he knows that they have more topics to cover that's not grammar and punctuation. and if they spend two days just on those two topics, then they're wasting time.

he won't make the same mistake again- he'll ace the test tomorrow and will be a step closer on acing the real test in a couple of days.

until then, he'd have to rely on this reviewer that she had graciously made for him.

her handwriting is very neat in his opinion. it's easily understandable and are all uniformly aligned- makes him wonder if she secretly has a ruler under her sleeve to be able to align them all perfectly.

the notes weren't overly highlighted too- just those that were important and key points. all in all, he gives it a ten out of ten for the effort.

this gave him a whole new inspiration to try and get a perfect score on the retake tomorrow. a girl, a pretty one at that, had taken her time to make him pointers just for him to pass. imagine his embarrassment if he fails? he'll be failing her too.

shaking his head, he straightened his back and began browsing on the ten-page pointers with a pencil in between his fingers, trying to write down some of the notes because he believes that he'll remember things easier that way.

tomorrow, he'll surely pass tomorrow.

"if the sentence doesn't need the clause- do you think the new chapter is coming out now?"

𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫. - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now