A New Life

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(Unknown Universe)
A world had just been destroyed by a man's ambition.
In the world of Pokémon, the leader of Team Galactic Cyrus, had planned to create a new world and the old one destroyed in it's place.
But it had all gone wrong, when the new world was being create and was destroyed by Dialga and Palkia, the world was already effected by the unstable balance it had already created, Ash Ketchum and the others with him had been near when this was happening and tried to stop it but it was too late as a huge explosion engulfed them all.
the shockwave emitted from this shook the whole world, cities and towns were breaking apart, volcanos were going off, storms were brewing out of control.
Cracks were going through the lands and around one of them was a purple haired boy named Paul Shini would was seeing this as well and was shocked as light came out of the cracks.
Across the whole world these lights came out and the would glowed before.
The entire world had exploded from the unstable power that was brought about.
Ash the boy who had saved the world many times before would never reach his dream of becoming
Pokémon Master like his dream.
Paul would never truly prove that he was better than his brother Reggie.
But mostly, the two would never settle the rivalry that the two had made. Or would they..?
(Universe 7)
A man in strange clothes had just finish speaking to a teenager from the future who had just given a warning that would save them all, and now he had just gotten back into his time machine and was ready to go back.
He said a few words before he left and disappeared in his machine that emitted a light before vanishing.
But what he didn't realize that when he disappeared, the machine disappearing created a distortion in time and space.
(Unknown Universe)
The world was gone and souls were flying up to the afterlife where they will rest for an eternity.
But out of all the souls that were going, two were the
main ones.
A blue soul and a purple soul.
They were flying up when suddenly a wormhole appeared and the two were sucked in.
(Universe 7)
A being with a staff was on a planet enjoying the peace and doing his job as usual.
This man was Whis, the attendant of the God Of Destruction Lord Beerus.
But his Lord was still asleep until it was time for him to wake up.
"Well Today is uneventful, I wonder when something interesting will happen." Whis said to himself wondering what he should do. Suddenly the ball of his staff glowed getting his attention.
"Hmm, what's this?" Whis questioned as he looked into his staff and saw somewhere out in space, a wormhole had opened up at a certain point.
That was not normal, a wormhole made from a distortion in time and space, that was somewhat concerning.
"Well I better go take care of this, if Lord Zeno finds out about something like this, he may not be to happy." He said before flying off to where the wormhole came off.
About 10 minutes later, he arrived at where the wormhole was and saw it.
"Well this is a easy fix." Whis said as he lifted his staff and it glowed.
Within a few seconds, the wormhole was destroyed.
"There, now that that problem has been fixed, l'll be returning now." Whis spoke before turning around ready to leave but stopped when he noticed something.
Two wondering souls were near him, strange, that was normal, souls should've been gone to the other world instantly but these two were still around.
"What is it about these souls that didn't go, let me check their history." Whis said using his staff to look into the memory of these two souls.
He saw Ash and Paul and their history of their world, how they met and how they were rivals with one another, they weren't even from this Universe and it all interested Whis.
"Hmm, maybe I have find something interesting after all, they may not have fought with their own hands but all, they may not nave fought witn thelr own nanas but the potential power I sense from them may one day catch the attention of Lord Beerus, but I can't create bodies for these two and I can't watch them in the form of souls, what should I do?" Whis asked to himself as he was thinking.
Then it came to him, reincarnation.
He looked into his staff and saw two people he could think of for this.
Two Saiyans, known as Goku formerly known as Kakarot, and Prince Vegeta.
Goku had defeated the emperor of the universe, Frieza and Vegeta was a powerful warrior of his own.
He reincarnate these two souls as the sons of these two warriors and they could reach their full potential one day.
"Well, things have truly gotten interesting indeed." Whis spoke one last time before taking the souls and firing into a wave of power into space, heading for the one person who could reincarnate these two.
King Yemma.
(Three Years Later)
On Earth, Goku, the hero of Earth, his son Gohan and Piccolo were flying to island where the androids were said to appear, where they met up with Goku's best friend Krillin, and they all landed.
They met up with the three eyed man Tienshinhan, Yamcha, and Bulma.
"Hey guys, glad you can make it." Yamcha said as he went up to the group.
"Yeah good to see you Yamcha." Krillin said back to his old friend. "Bulma you're here too?" Gohan asked as they looked at her.
"Yeah I am, I wanted to catch a look at the androids, I didn't get to see Frieza so here I am." Bulma said as they all saw the baby in her arms.
"Hey Bulma, gotta ask is that a baby your holding?"
Krillin asked as Bulma smiled.
"Yeah it is." Bulma replied as Yamcha grumbled.
"That's great, is he yours Yamcha?" Gohan asked as Yamcha shook his head.
"They're not mine, wait till you hear who the father is." Yamcha said a bit salty.
Goku walked up to the boy pointed at the boy.
"They fathers Vegeta, isn't that right Trunks." Goku said making everyone except Piccolo surprised.
"Huh, not how did you know, I didn't tell anyone yet?" Bulma questioned as Goku laughed nervously thinking he screwed up badly.
"Well he looked a lot like Vegeta so I guessed!" Goku said with a nervous laughter.
"And you guessed his name too." Bulma said making
Goku rub the back of his head.
"Who knows maybe I'm psychic." Goku said before noticing something on Bulma's back.
The bag on her back moved around a little getting his attention.
"Hey Bulma, what's that on your back?" Goku asked as Bulma just remembered. "Oh that's right, I need to introduce you to this little one too." Bulma said as turned a little to see another baby on her back with the bag holding him.
The baby boy looked a little like Trunks but didnt have the same eyes.
"This is my other baby boy, Trunks's younger fraternal twin brother, Paul." Bulma said introducing baby Paul.
The others were shocked expected for Yamcha as he already knew.
Goku of all of them was the most shocked.
"A twin, Trunks didn't mention having a twin in his timeline, maybe him coming back to warn us changed somethings, oh well, it's already happened, can't do anything about it" Goku thought wondering if this was due to Trunks changing history.
One thing he also noticed is that Paul had a tail like Gohan did when he was younger and that it was colored purple instead of a regular brown.
"Wow two kids, but why Paul Bulma, sounds like a strange name to give to your son knowing your families name of underwear?" Krillin asked as Bulma shook her head.
" don't really know, when I named Trunks, I was coming up with a name like Boxa for my other baby but the name Paul popped up and I had the sudden urge to name him that, so I did, I don't really understand it myself but I just went with it." Bulma said as she still didn't understand why that name popped up.
It was so strange, it was as if the name was made for Paul and she couldn't understand why.
Well in this world, surprising were never too far away, maybe she'll figure out one of these.
She hoped. "Well that's strange, but I really want to know is why he still has his tail, I mean shouldn't you get rid of it so he doesn't get turn into a Great Ape?" Krillin asked wondering if it was safe for the baby to have it.
"Okay Krillin, two things, one: Piccolo destroyed the moon so we don't have to worry about that, and two:
I've tried." Bulma said making them confused.
"Huh, what do you mean Bulma?" Goku asked as
Bulma sighed.
"I mean l've tried taking off his tail, Trunks had one and we had it removed from him and I did the same to Paul but for some strange reason, even though I cut the tail off many times, it grows back every couple of days, Trunks's doesn't seem to have this problem but Paul's refuses to stay gone, l've given up at this point!" Bulma stated a little irritated that she couldn't get rid of Paul's tail because it kept growing back.
"Really, any reason why it comes back?" Tien asked making Bulma shake her head.
"No idea, I've learned to live with it." Bulma said not bothering to cut the tail off anymore.
(Months Later)
A lot happened during the event with the androids.
The androids attacked the city and took down Yamcha and were led to a wasteland to fight.
Goku was doing well against one of them until Goku came down with the Heart Virus attacking him and weakening him.
This led to the androids gaining the upper hand on him until he was saved by Vegeta.
Goku was brought home to take the medicine while
Vegeta shocked evervone by transforming into a Super Saiyan in front of the remaining Z fighters eyes and destroying android 19 while android 20 made a retreat to his lab while he was followed.
He attacked Piccolo trying to steal energy but was stopped by Gohan and then he and Piccolo faced off with android 20 with the old android getting bodied.
Trunks later arrived not recognizing the android and Bulma made her entrance.
Android 20 escaped blowing up the area with Trunks saving Bulma and the twins.
Trunks was shocked and surprised when he saw that he had a twin in this timeline but he would get answers later and wanted to know what was going on.
He got his answers and tried to stop Vegeta from leaving after Bulma had told them that Android 20 was Dr Gero, the creator of the Androids.
Soon they all found the lab in time to see that Gero had already activated the androids and he was killed by them.
The group except Krillin fought them but was defeated.
Krillin was killed by the female android before leaving.
Krillin revived everyone with senzu beans and Vegeta flew angered at his lost.
Piccolo tells everyone to go move Goku while he flew somewhere else.
Trunks and Krillin went to Goku's house and with the return of Gohan got into a capsule ship and flew off towards Master Roshi's island.
During the flight, the group was called by Bulma who told them about another time machine.
feeling something was off, Trunks and Gohan went towards the machine to confirm this and with Bulma they do.
They find that the time machine had arrived 4 years before he did.
Feeling they got some answers, they head back.
While this went on, Piccolo and Kami had fused with another to form the nameless Namekian again and went to face the monster who attacked Ginger town, leading to Piccolo find out of the origins of Cell.
Cell escapes making the chase for him happen.
Because of this, Many people were killed by Cell absorbing them.
Three days later, Goku awakens and take Gohan, Vegeta and Trunks to the Hyperbolic time chamber to train for Cell.
Vegeta and Trunks head in first to train and nearly a whole day later, Piccolo is confronted by the androids.
He takes on android 17 but the fight is stopped by Cell's arrival who had powered himself a lot.
He defeats Piccolo and absorbs 17 gaining his semi-perfect form.
He goes for 18 next but is stalled by Tien using his tri-beam.
Goku arrives using Instant Transmission and save both Piccolo and Tien and bring them back to the Lookout.
Vegeta and Trunks exit the time chamber and Bulma arrives with battle armor.
Vegeta and Trunks heads down to confront Cell and Vegeta shows off Grade 2 or Super Vegeta as he calls it, and overwhelms Cell. But Cell had an offer for Vegeta to let him gain his perfect form for a better challenge and Vegeta excepts.
Krillin who destroyed the remote tried to help 18 escape but it futile as 18 was absorbed by Cell gaining his perfect form.
Cell and Vegeta fight once again but Vegeta is taken down, even after using his final flash, he was knocked unconscIous.
Trunks seeing this finally powers up to his Grade 3 form and takes on Cell but learns he is no match by
Cell himself.
Knowing he had no chance, Trunks resigns the fight and cell proposes the Cell games.
In the time chamber, Goku and Gohan trained hard.
Gohan becoming a Super Saiyan, Goku learning the levels of Grade 2 and 3 but knowing the weaknesses of it so comes up with a way to stay in Super Saiyan all the time.
Outside Cell had broadcasted his messade of the Cell But Cell had an offer for Vegeta to let him gain his perfect form for a better challenge and Vegeta excepts.
Krillin who destroyed the remote tried to help 18 escape but it futile as 18 was absorbed by Cell gaining his perfect form.
Cell and Vegeta fight once again but Vegeta is taken down, even after using his final flash, he was knocked unconscIous.
Trunks seeing this finally powers up to his Grade 3 form and takes on Cell but learns he is no match by
Cell himself.
Knowing he had no chance, Trunks resigns the fight and cell proposes the Cell games.
In the time chamber, Goku and Gohan trained hard.
Gohan becoming a Super Saiyan, Goku learning the levels of Grade 2 and 3 but knowing the weaknesses of it so comes up with a way to stay in Super Saiyan all the time.
Outside Cell had broadcasted his message of the Cell games in 10 days and had destroyed a part of the city to prove his point.
The fighters now worried about this, prepares their selves now.
Almost a day later, Goku and Gohan exit the time chamber early instead of the full day in their Super Saiyan forms.
After eating and getting their clothes, Goku teleports to Cell in the new ring for the Cell games.
After that, Goku returns and he and Gohan head to Korin's as Vegeta explains to Trunks about how Goku and Gohan have somehow mastered the Super Saiyan form to fullest use it in battle. After this they spend their time enjoying the peace.
But tragedy soon arrives as the defense force is destroyed by Cell.
Knowing all the lives lost, Goku teleports to new name to get a new guardian of earth and restore the Dragon Balls.
They get an old friend named Dende and he becomes the guardian and creates new Dragon Balls.
After this is done, the group heads to the cell games arena.
A martial arts champion named Hercule steps in first but gets slapped away.
Goku steps in and shows off the results of his training.
Even managing to surprise everyone using his kamehameha with the instant transmission.
But when all was said and done, Goku gives up against Cell.
And what was more surprising that Goku sends in Gohan who is said to be stronger than Goku.
Gohan goes up and shows off his incredible power.
Though a while in the match, Gohan tells why Gohan sent him in, and tells cell about his rage and power.
This interested Cell as he tries to force the power out but 16 comes in and tries to blow himself up but it doesn't work.
Cell destroys 16 and sends out his cell irs to fight the z fighters.
They attack and everyone is thrown into a free for all. soon the z fighters are worn down and Gohan wanted to stop this but was stopped by 16's head.
16 gave a speech to Gohan that hit him in the heart.
16 gave a last smile before his head was crushed by
That made Gohan snapped and transformed into a level beyond Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2.
Gohan with the new power destroyed the Cell jrs and faces Cell overwhelming him to the point where he spits up android 18 and reverts to his semi-perfect
Not wanting to accept defeat, Cell intends to blow himself up and take the earth with him.
But Goku sacrifices himself and teleports him and Cell to King Kai's planet where he blows up.
But Cell returns with new power and kills Trunks and seeing his son go down, Vegeta snaps and attacks Cell but is thrown to the ground afterwards.
Cell attempts to kill Vegeta but Gohan tanks it breaking his arm in the process.
Cell goes to launch a kamehameha at Gohan but with some words of encouragement from his father, Gohan launches his own to meet Cells.
Gohan was on the losing end but with help from the others, Vegeta distracting Cell and Goku encouraging his son from the other side, Gohan overwhelmed the android and completely destroyed him.
Exhausted, everyone expect for Vegeta heads to the lookout to heal and restore the damage done. Once there, they use the dragon balls to restore those who died by Cell, but Goku wasn't one of them,.
When they wanted to go to Namek to use their's, Goku talked to them, and said he didn't want to come back thinking the earth was always endanger because of him, saying the other world was his home now.
After that, Krillin wishes for the bomb inside 18 to be taken out and they all leave for their homes.
Gohan tells ChiChi about what happened and hug her.
The next day, Trunks returns to his time to restore peace there.
Gohan swore he saw his father in the sky looking at him with a proud look.
Gohan knew all of that because because of his side and all the others were told to him by his friends.
He was glad that that fight was long over with.
The reason why was because of his new born brothers.
In the Son household, Gohan, ChiChi and the Ox-king were looking in a cradle where two twin baby boys were sleeping in.
The first one was named Son Goten and the baby born after Goten was Son Ash.
But like Trunks and Paul, Goten and Ash were fraternal twins as well since they didn't look alike.
Gotens name came from him looking like a baby Goku but Ash's name just popped into her head, like Bulma did for Paul's name.
They were both born with tails which ChiChi planned to have removed later.
Strangely enough, Goten had a regular brown tail but Ash's was completely black, that was weird. "Well we have new members to the family, this is great." Gohan said as ChiChi and Ox-King agreed.
He hopes for the two to have a nice peaceful life.
(Seven Years Later)
An teenage Gohan is flying towards Satan city on the nimbus cloud for his first day of school.
Life has been peaceful like he wanted it for seven years now.
Seven years since the Cell games and the death of his father.
But the upside to this is down his younger brothers were brought into the world to experience life as well.
Goten was basically a look a like of their father, so playful and kind hearted, he was more Human than Salyan.
Ash on the other hand, was a little different, he was just as kind as Goten but he was most of a fighter than anything, he was more Saiyan than Human.
And like Paul, they couldn't cut off his tail, well not permanently.
They could cut off Goten's and it never came back, but like Paul's Ash's tail refused to stay gone for long, after a few days it would grow right back, they did it at least eight times before finally giving up.
Knowing him, he was probably training right now with a certain old master of Gohan.
(The Lookout)
On the Lookout, four people were out on the surface.
A black genie and tall Namekian we looking on from They were the Guardian of Earth and the assistant of the Guardian of Earth, Dende and Mr Popo.
They watching from of far of two people sitting down in mediating poses.
Another taller Namekian and a young child with a black monkey tail were meditating.
Piccolo and the child known as Ash, Gohan's youngest brother, Ash.
Ash was wearing the same outfit as Goku once wore but instead of orange it was black and had the kanji of 'Demon' on the back showing that he was in Piccolo's training camp and had a hole in the back of his pants to let his tail through.
Also his hair was like his father's but cut down to looking like a shorter version. (A/N, basically his regular hairstyle in PKMN)
It was silent before the Namekian opened his eyes.
"Alright Ash, that's enough for the today." Piccolo said getting up as Ash opened his eyes.
"Right." Ash said getting up and stretching his body.
"Your getting stronger kid." Piccolo said as Dende and Mr Popo walked over.
"Thanks to you I am Master Piccolo." Ash said causing the Namekian to snort.
"You are getting at this Ash, you must be very motivated to becoming stronger." Dende said as Ash nodded. everyone else was back than, heck hearing how strong Gohan was back then makes me want to become stronger than he was!" Ash stated very determined to surpass his brother and all others.
"Well you'll get there, but I think your main concern is proving your stronger than Paul is." Piccolo said making Ash frown at hearing the name of his rival.
He and Paul have been rivals for about a year now.
It was during a reunion between friends, Ash and Paul had met during it, one thing lead to another and the boys started a fight between one another, though the fight was broken up, Ash could clearly see that he was on the losing end and would've lost.
After returning home, Ash was scolded by ChiChi, saying that he wouldn't become a delinquent.
After all that, Ash was motivative to become stronger, to prove that he was stronger than Paul.
He was half Saiyan like Gohan was, so he could keep getting stronger, but having a teacher would make would better training, but he didn't known anyone to train him right and he didn't have anyone one to fight.
Gohan was very strong but he mostly focused on his studies, Goten wasn't much help since he got distracted so easily and ChiChi had skills of a martial artist but she wasn't as strong as he was so his whole family was out.
He heard about the turtle school members.
But Krillin had a family so he was out, he didn't hear much about Yamcha so he was out too.
He had heard about Tien but from what Gohan told him, he had gone off the grid so nobody could find him. He couldn't go train with Vegeta since most likely he was training Paul and to Ash, asking him to train him would be the same as telling Paul he was better and he would not admit to that was training Paul and to Ash, asking him to train him would be the same as telling Paul he was better and he would not admit to that.
He was out of options, until it came to him.
He remembered Gohan telling him about his experiences from training from his own teacher, Piccolo.
If he could get Gohan to a high level of power when he was younger, then Ash could only wonder what Piccolo could do for him.
And so after begging Gohan to contact Piccolo to train him, Gohan finally relent and flew Ash to the Lookout to meet Piccolo.
After explaining to Piccolo, Dende and Mr Popo why they were here, Piccolo agreed to train the kid but warned Ash that it would be tough but Ash retorted that that's what he wanted making Piccolo smirk.
"Beating Paul will be the first step to becoming the strongest around, so far we're still tied in wins." Ash told remembering that currently he and Paul were evenly matched.
After a few days of Piccolo's training, Ash indeed got stronger and challenged Paul, actually coming out on top.
This only added fuel to the fire as both Ash and Paul would fight one another every month for a year, sometimes ending with one of them being the winner or ending in a draw.
So far the score was 5 by 5 for each of them and 2 draws, Paul got the win this month which led to his fifth win.
"Well good luck kid you're going to need it." Piccolo said as Ash nodded. "Right, still Master Piccolo, thanks for helping me get rid of that weakness for my tai, that bothered me to no end." Ash said happy that that stupid weakness was gone.
Getting his tail grabbed causes him to lose all of his strength, so he had Piccolo always helping him to get rid of it by grabbing it and making Ash work to overcome that.
"No problem kid, now get going, you're mom probably wondering where you are." Piccolo stated not wanting the kid to get yelled at by ChiChi.
"True, see you guys later, I'll be back. Ash said floating off the ground and flying towards the mountains to where his house was.
He was so glad that Piccolo taught him how to fly, it made getting to the Lookout and Home easy.
(Son Household)
About 15 minutes later, Ash had landed on the ground in front of his house and walked into it.
"I'm back!" Ash called getting inside and seeing his older twin and mother.
"Hey Ash you're back." Goten said happy to see his younger twin here.
"Ash honey, were you out enjoying yourself in the wild again?" ChiChi asked to her youngest son who was trying not to look nervous since he knew he, Gohan and Goten knew what he was really doing and kept it a secret from their mom.
"Yeah I was, I always do this, so did Gohan leave or something?" Ash asked knowing he didn't sense his older brother around.
"Yes, he's gone to Orange Star High School, my first baby boy is on his way to becoming a get scholar."
ChiChi said proud of Gohan. "Okay then." Ash only said as ChiChi snapped out of it.
"Oh that's right, you haven't eaten yet have you, well come on, there's still some breakfast left." ChiChi told as Ash rushed to the table to have his fill.
His mom's cooking was always amazing.
(Capsule Corporation)
Gohan's first day was more than he expected.
When he got to Satan City, he took out robbers that were robbing a bank, he went Super Saiyan to hide his identity.
But when he got to school, a girl by the name of Vide Satan had info about a Golden Fighter which could've trace to him.
He then played baseball but caught the ball. from very high into the air.
The he got hit in the face with a ball but didn't react making them all shocked.
When he was walking back he sensed somebody following him so when he went over a corner he jumped to the top of a building and looked down to see to that it was Videl following him.
He was sure she was suspicious so he needed to do something about this so he used the nimbus cloud to bring him to Capsule Corp to ask Bulma for help for this problem.
So he told her the problem.
"So basically you don't anyone to recognize you right?"
Bulma questioned smoking. Yeah that's right, I'm just scared my new friends will think I'm a little weird if they see me fighting criminals, you think you can help me Bulma?" Gohan asked to his family friend.
"Well, you can always not fight the bad guys but I guess playing superhero is too much in your blood, so Ti just have to make you a disguise then." Bulma said wanting to help the kid out making Gohan stand up.
"Oh wow, you really think you can do it!" Gohan asked in Surprise.
"Gohan remember you're talking who designs and builds space capsules for a living, I don't think a crime fighter costume is out of my reach." Bulma said putting out her cigarette.
"Thanks Bulma you're the best, this is gonna make school so much easier now." Gohan said relieved.
"hey don't mention it." Bulma said about to walk away but stopped by Gihan.
"Oh and Bulma do you happen to know where Trunks and Paul is, and would you mind if I hung out with them while you're working on it?" Gohan asked wanting to see how the two kids were doing.
"Sure just go on back to the gravity room, last I checked they were still training with Vegeta." Bulma said knowing that's the last place she saw them.
"Ain't they kinda young?" Gohan asked wondering if they were training too early.
"Well I said the same thing but as far as Vegetas concerned if you're old enough to walk you're old enough to train, he's just so dead set on making Trunks and Paul than you and Ash." Bulma said knowing about the rivalry of her youngest son and Gohan's youngest brother.
"Haha, well isn't that nice." Gohan said with a nervous laugh. Gohan walked through the hallway trying to find the gravity room and soon sees a young boy with a haircut similar to Bulma's drying his face with a towel in front of a mirror.
"Hey Trunks." Gohan calls as the boy looks at the see
Gohan from the mirror and turns to him with a smile.
"Gohan, whatcha doing?" Trunks asked happy to see the older boy.
"Just stopping by, looks like you've been having a pretty tough work out." Gohan said seeing Trunks had gone through a workout.
"Yeah." Trunks replied before hearing a door slide open and then closed as they looked.
They saw Vegeta and another boy the same age as Trunks in the same armor Vegeta wore during the attack of Cell but wearing purple instead of blue and had a hole in the suit to let out his purple tail.
He had the same colored hair as Trunks but not in the same style, it was close but a small bit long all around.
(A/N: Like Ash, Paul's hair is the same in the anime)
They both looked at Gohan and walked towards them.
"Good afternoon Vegeta, long time no see." Gohan said seeing the salyan prince.
Vegeta looked at Gohan for a moment before looking straight.
"Well well, aren't you looking dull, a true warrior should be ready even in times of peace." Vegeta said walking naway.
"Right." Gohan said back and turned to Paul.
"Hey Paul, how's it been?" Gohan asked to the younger boy who only looked down with his eyes closed. "Just fine mind you, I just recently won a battle with Ash which I'm sure you know already, when you see him, tell him not to fall behind, or I'll have him down on the ground again." Paul said before walking away not giving Gohan the chance to reply to that.
Gohan and Trunks were silent before Trunks broke the silence.
"Now let's go have some fun." Trunks said wanting to play with Goten.
"Sure." Gohan agreed still needing to wait for Bulma.
After a while of playing and waiting, Bulma had finally finished making what Gohan needed.
"There you go Gohan." Bulma said handing Gohan a watch and he attached it to his wrist.
"So I just press this red button to make it work?" Gohan asked to the scientist.
"That's it." Bulma confirmed with Trunks and Paul near her with Trunks wearing some regular clothes and Paul still wearing his armor.
"Awesome, can I have one too mom." Trunks said as Paul stayed silent wanting to see what this was about.
Gohan pressed the button and in an instant, he was changed into a different outfit.
He looked in the mirror to see that he was wearing a helmet, red cape, green gi with a black bodysuit underneath, as well as white gloves and boots identical to those worn with the battle armor model created by Bulma.
"Haha, this is just amazing!" Gohan said amazed and happy to see the disguise.
"Does it fit?" Bulma asked wondering if she made it too small or tight.
"Yeah, well I, it's a super fit." Gohan said looking at the disguise.
"No mom, I don't need one." Trunks said thinking the outfit looked ridiculous.
"I don't want one at all." Paul finally saying something.
Cut to outside where Gohan is one the flying nimbus with Bulma, Trunks and Paul seeing Gohan off.
"Til see you guys later, thanks again Bulma! Gohan called out from the sky.
"Bye Gohan, come back to play whenever you want, like tomorrow maybe." Trunks said as Paul only rolled his eyes and walked back inside.
"Alright Nimbus, I think you'd better take me home now at full speed." Gohan told his nimbus as it flew faster.
(Son Household)
"Well that was something." Gohan said wearing his great Saiyamon outfit.
Before he managed to head home, he saw a crime going on, thinking it was a good chance to bring in his new disguise early, he went Great Saiyamon to fend off the car speeders.
But they made fun of the disguise which made Gohan mad and ended up creaking the road.
After that he flew home racing against Nimbus.
"I'm back!" Gohan called out making Ash jump off the couch walking up to his older brother.
"Hey Gohan." Ash said greeting his brother. "Hi honey, how was school?" ChiChi asked to her oldest son as she was cooking dinner.
"It was fine." Gohan said as Goten walked into the house carrying a fish.
He saw Gohan and saw what he was wearing.
"Gohan, your back, wow that costume looks so cool." Goten said seeing how Gohan's costume looked and thought it was really cool.
"Thanks bro, what do you think Ash?" Gohan asked to his youngest brother.
"I think it looks a little cool." Ash said liking the costume, except for the helmet and cape but he wasn't gonna say that.
"Thanks, oh yeah, I stopped by Bulma's and saw Paul, he told me to tell you in his own words 'not to fall behind or he'll have you on the ground again" his words not mine." Gohan whispered the part about Paul making Ash frown.
"Oh man, he got lucky this time around, next time, I'll win." Ash said wanting to prove he's stronger.
"Good on you, how was the training I with Piccolo today?" Gohan asked with a whisper.
"It went great, I'm getting stronger everyday, at this rate, I'll be stronger than you soon bro." Ash said making Gohan chuckle nervous since he knew Ash was a strong kid, and so was Paul.
If he wasn't careful, they would surpass him in no time.
(A few days later)
Ash was outside just doing push-ups.
He had finished training with Piccolo for the day and he done.
Suddenly he sensed Gohan's Ki coming towards the house.
Gohan landed in his Saiyaman outfit.
"Hey Gohan, how was school?" Ash asked wondering how his big bro's day went.
"Well Ash, that's the thing, I have really big news." Gohan said really excited making Ash confused.
"What do you mean, what news, what's happening?"
Ash asked as Gohan walked to the door.
"The World Tournament but bigger than that." Gohan said making Ash even more confused.
"What's more exciting about that?" Ash questioned as Gohan looked at him with a smile.
"You're finally gonna meet Dad." Gohan said making
Ash look like the most confused boy in the world.
"HUH!" Ash cried out.

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