Fusion Training Begins

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Goku had arrived at Capsule Corp to stop Bulma from making a wish but arrived all too late.

"I MUST HAVE YOUR SECOND WISH NOW." Shenron the wish granting dragon spoke out loud.

"Did he say second wish, oh no I'm too late!" Goku said in shock, this was bad.

"Oh uh Goku." Bulma said wondering when he got here.

"Goku." Roshi said surprised to see his old student here so quickly.

"Goku where on Earth have you been, and where is Gohan and Goten and Ash!?" ChiChi questioned to her husband wondering where their children were.

"ChiChi there's no time to explain, please trust me." Goku said as he put a finger to his forehead.

He needed to tell Dende about what just happened.

"Dende can you hear me?" Goku asked to the Guardian.

"Yes." Dende responded from the Lookout.

"I arrived too late, the dragon has already fulfilled their first wish and now he wants to know what their second one is, what should I do?" Goku asked wondering what the best course of action was now.

"Then their is still hope, tell Shenron that you want to save the other wish for another time, if only one wish has been granted then we can use that wish again when only 4 months has passed!" Dende said knowing that their was still hope in using the Dragon Balls this way.

"Alright, I'll take care of that, oh and you guys I can't believe I almost forgot, I'm bringing you all back with me once I'm finished with my business here so get ready." Goku said to the others knowing they weren't safe here with all that's going on.

"We'll prepare for you for your return Goku." Dende said cutting the link to their conversation.

"Thanks, Shenron you don't have to grant anymore wishes today thank you, we'll call you again sometimes!" Goku called out to the wish granting Dragon.

"AS YOU WISH, FAREWELL!" Shenron stated as he glowed and disappeared and the Dragon Balls all went into the sky and scattered into 7 different directions.

"You wanna tell me what's gotten into you Goku, we still had a perfectly good wish we could've used to help?" Yamcha questioned to the dead fighter.

Goku explained real quick of what's going to happened to the others.

"So their you go, now if you'll all come back with me to the Lookout we can all start making preparations." Goku said knowing it was time to go to the Lookout now.

"That's fine, I'll just have to track down 7 Dragon Balls again in 4 months which shouldn't be a problem." Bulma said knowing she'll have to hunt them down again.

"That's the spirit, now everyone, as long as you're connected to me we can all travel by Instant Transmission." Goku said knowing this technique is the fastest way to get back to the Lookout.

"This is like some wonderful fantasy land just when I think it can't possibly get any weirder it does." Videl thought as things just kept getting weirder for her.

Everyone started too grab hold of Goku.

"Please remain standing in a upright position fasten the person next to you." Goku said as Bulma's parents wouldn't grab hold.

"Mom, Dad what are you waiting for, hold on to my hand quick or you'll get left behind!" Bulma said trying to get her parents to come along.

"Your mother and I just can't bring ourselves to leave the little ones, we're wait here for your return." Dr Briefs said with a smile.

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