Mastery over Primal Power!

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"So elder kai, I have to ask, what is this technique you speak of to help us with gain the power Super Saiyan 5?" Ash asked wondering how this technique works and how it is going to help gaining the ability to transform into Super Saiyan 5.

"Well, this technique is about emotional control training." Elder kai said making the boys a little bit confused at the moment, emotional control training.

That didn't sound like very good training to them.

"Emotional control training, how is that supposed to help us achieve Super Saiyan 5?" Paul questioned wondering how this was supposed to work and the Elder kai sighed knowing that the boys were missing the point of this technique.

"Look, you see, the reason why Ash was able to transform into a Super Saiyan 5 is because of the reasons I gave a moment ago, but it was mostly due to overwhelming rage and murderous intent, so those are the necessary triggers for this to work, the point of this technique to help you gain control over that rage, so you can transform by utilizing that very same rage, therefore, by controlling these emotions, you control the transformation." Elder kai explained as the boys were starting to understand what he was saying.

"So, you mean that this technique will have control the rage needed to achieve Super Saiyan 5 and control it, that's what you're saying?" Ash asked wondering if that's the purpose of this technique.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, but at the same time, there's a chance it won't work at all." Elder kai said as Ash and Paul looked shocked at hearing this.

"What do you mean, you mean that it probably won't work at all?" Paul questioned wondering if this was a failure of an idea after all and he just wasted all their time coming up with this.

"No, there's a big possibility that this will work, your chances are higher than the failure, that aside, this technique is more of a spell than technique, so if you're able to break out of it on your own, then you'll pass the training." Elder kai explained to the boys who understand this a bit better.

"Yes, I understand." Paul said as he wanted to get this over with so he could achieve the transformation already.

Elder kai suddenly looked serious, but you have to understand something boys, I want to know if you two really want to go through with this, their's a small chance that this spell could kill you, so if you wanna back out, now's your last chance to do so." Elder kai told as their was a small chance that the kids could die if this doesn't work and he doesn't want the mothers of the boys coming after him to seek revenge if they do kick the bucket.

"Trust me, I'm sure, we're Saiyans, we can handle anything." Paul said knowing that he couldn't die now, not until he's proven to truly to be the strongest Saiyan of them all.

"He's right, if we really want to protect our home, we have to become stronger, we won't let some spell get the best of us, we will prove that we can handle anything that gets thrown out way, now let's do this." Ash proclaimed with determination as Elder kai smiled.

"Well, then, I guess I have your answers, well, let's begin shall we." Elder kai said as the boys nodded and Paul gripped his fist since he was the first one up.

"Okay, let's do this." Paul said determined to reach a new level of power through Super Saiyan 5.

Alright, here goes!" Elder kai said as he held out his palms towards Paul and was suddenly surrounded by some kind of energy.

The energy shot towards Paul, and it hit his forehead and he suddenly began spazzing out as if he was being possessed.

All of a sudden, Paul starts laughing but then goes into a spout of anger.

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