Final Battle within the Time Chamber!

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Ash and Paul were resting after a long day of work.

Only to be awoken when they felt the Lookout shaking like crazy.

"Ah!" Ash cried in alarm as the area around him started shaking.

Paul got up quickly feeling the shakes and questioned what was going on.

"What's happening, what's going on!?" Paul said alarmed.

That's when both boys felt a large energy rise out of nowhere.

"That energy, who is that?" Paul questioned wondering who was giving off this incredible power.

"Paul, I think it's Majin Buu." Ash said feeling the energy and despite it being stronger it still felt familiar.

"What but how can that be, he wasn't this strong before, what the hell happened?" Paul asked wondering how Buu got stronger when they were sleeping.

"I don't know, Goten and Trunks are gone, I hope they didn't cause this to happen." Ash said seeing their brothers gone from the bed.

"They'd better not because if they had, then they'd better be more fearful of me than of Buu." Paul said hoping his brother didn't screw up when they were sleeping.

When they saw Buu last time fighting Gotenks, they were confident that they could win against him but now, they're not so sure, this is bad.

Suddenly they felt something horrifying.

They could feel Buu's energy heading towards the Lookout.

"That's not good." Ash said as he walked out of the room with Paul following.

"He's coming now, this is beyond not good." Paul said as they kept a low profile.

Soon they reached their place to look.

Taking a peek out, they saw Buu looking much different.

He no longer wore his cape, and no longer looked fat, he had a slim body now.

"PRODUCE!" Buu screamed as he flared his energy making it cover part of the Lookout.

Ash and Paul had to cover themselves from the amount of energy being poured through.

They could clearly see and hear from their part that Buu wanted his fight as Piccolo tried to convince Buu that they still had a day left.

After a minute of talking, they suddenly saw Buu starting to walk through the edge of the Lookout.

"What is he doing?" Ash asked wondering what Buu was doing just walking around, what had Piccolo said to him.

"I don't know but I feel like I don't wanna know." Paul said thinking it wasn't any concern.

"Ash, Paul, thank god you two are awake." Krillin said going up to the two boys.

"Krillin, what the heck is going on, why is Buu and why does he look different and even stronger for that matter?" Ash questioned as Krillin explained real quick.

How Buu had been doing on earth doing his business when Hercule showed, somehow the goofy champion had managed to make Buu stop killing people, but because of a braindead earthling down there from shooting a dog and then shooting Hercule, another Buu popped out of the fat Buu and that was his pure evil side, Unfortunately the evil side won that battle which turned the Buu they knew into what they see now.

"Some people are pure idiots." Paul said knowing a stupid person caused this and they all might die because of it.

"Yeah, now that you know the story, let's go get Goten and Trunks, they should be sleeping right now." Krillin said going forward.

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