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"Whoa. Are you okay?" Ajax Asked as he pulled away from Enid's kiss. "You're not gonna, like, wolf out on me, are you? It is a full blood moon."

"I'm okay, I think." She says as she retracks her hands from the boy, her long claws morphing back to their once short nails. "But this is helping." She said grabbing him once more before pulling him back into a kiss.

As the two kisses on the bed, Enid's phone began to vibrate prompting the two to stop. Enid looks at Ajax apologetically as she awkwardly gets up to answer the phone.

"Hey! Eugene, how are you?" Enid says once she answers.

"Have you seen Wednesday?" The boy asked worriedly.

"No, she left this afternoon." Enid started as her face began to frown, "Didn't she swing by to see you?"

"Listen, Principal Weems and her went and confronted Ms. Thornhill." Eugene explained frantically, "But I haven't heard a peep from either of them."

"Why would they confront Ms. Thornhill?" Enid asked confused as she turn to Ajax as she looked at him worried.

"Because she's behind everything that's happened. She's the bad guy... bad woman. She's just a really bad person." The boy began to blurt out before Enid cut him off.

"Okay. Ajax and I will go check out the conservatory." She stated as she motioned for the boy to get ready to go.

"Yo. Bee boy, welcome back." Ajax said loud enough to be heard over the phone as he gathered himself.

"What's he doing in your room?" Eugene asked sounding slightly betrayed.

"Um..." Enid mumble as the door behind the two open. Suddenly Thing is Infront of the two frantically sighing to the girl.

"Slow down! What happened?" Enid says as the Hand begins to start over, "Principal Weems?"

"What the hell is going on? Ajax asked.

"What about Wednesday?" Enid asks, Thing responding with more hand motions. "Tyler and Thornhill took her? Where? Crackstone's crypt, what the heck?" She says as Thing continues to explain what's happening, "Who are the Nightshades?"

The room falls quiet as Thing points to the boy behind Enid, Ajax, resulting in said boy giving a small scoff and rolling his eyes at his member status getting exposed.

"I'll... I'll explain on the way." He says, as he begins to head to the door.

Come on." Enid says as she grabs Thing as runs out the door with Ajax leaving her cellphone behind.

Wednesday regains consciousness as she realizes that she's no longer in the school and her hands are bound in chains that are loosely holding her body up in the air. As her eyes flicker, she sees and unconscious Wendi sitting on the steps beside her with tape wrapped around her wrists binding them together.

"Kind of a déjà vu thing we got going on, huh?" Tyler says walking up to Wednesday as he brushes his hand along her face.

"Except I won't cry and whine like a child." She retorts.

As Wendi begins to wake up, Laurel interrupts the twos bickering, "Tyler, go wait by the boat."

"Yes." He says going to pick up the girl on the steps.

"No, Leave her." Ms. Thornhill states causing the boy to stop in his tracks.

"You said you wouldn't hurt her." The boy says.

"Sweety, I didn't want too either. She was an unfortunate soul that was sent to this hell fire of a school but we can't let her get in our way. She'll only ruin things."

Voices - Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now