1- Beast Titan

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Evelyn and Levi sit in the infirmary, waiting for Evelyn to be discharged so they can go back to the headquarters and visit the younger troops when a soldier bursts into the room.

"Captain Evelyn, Squad Leader Hange needs your assistance at the sight of the Female titan attack, immediately" the man says as he looks at Evelyn desperately.

"What is it? What's happened?" Evelyn asks as she stands up abruptly.

"It's the walls, Captain. There's something in the walls, something bad" the soldier says as Evelyn and Levi look at each other before running out of the room.

The two of them get on Kanmori and at top speed, Kanmori gets them from near the entrance to wall Sina to the other side of Wall Sina within minutes. The two of them get down from the horse as Evelyn runs over.

"Hange, what is it?" Evelyn asks as she looks at Hange.

"Evelyn, there's a titan in the wall" Hange says as they look almost pale.

"What are you talking-" Evelyn asks as she follows Hange's gaze and spots the titan looking down on them all, "about?".

"What should we do?" Hange asks as they look at her.

"I'll go up" Evelyn says as she takes the manouver gear that she spotted on the ground and she puts it on herself.

"Oi Evelyn, wait, you idiot!" Levi yells as Evelyn goes towards the titan.

Evelyn sits in front of the titan as it looks at her, not bothered by her existence. Evelyn draws one of her blades as she moves towards it. She stabs it in the face but it isn't bothered, it just stands there, taking the attack, like it's waiting for something or someone to tell it what to do. Evelyn drops her blade as she goes back down.

"It's like a sitting duck" Evelyn says as she lands, "it doesn't care that I'm there".

"We need to file a report, Captain Evelyn" someone says from nearby.

"I can do it" Hange says as they look at Evelyn, "you need to focus on recovery".

"Thanks Hange. Come on, Levi. With the state that you're in right now, it'll take us at least a day to get to the headquarters" Evelyn says as she walks off.

"I've literally hurt my leg, that's all" Levi says as he goes after her.

"There they go again" Hange says as they fold their arms, "always bickering with each other".

All of a sudden, someone comes running up to Evelyn and stops her as they grab her shoulders.

"Pastor Nick?" Evelyn asks confused as she looks at him.

"Whatever you do..." Nick says as he struggles to catch his breath, "you must keep that titan out of the sunlight".

"Levi, get a sheet and cover the titan, Hange, make sure your squad is on watch 24/7. Request for more soldiers if necessary" Evelyn says as she looks at the two of them as they both nod, "you, with me. Right now!" she says angrily as she grabs him and uses the manouver gear to get them to the top of the wall.

In the court, just after Erwin's meeting with the other soldiers, he was informed of the incident with the titan in the wall.

"Captain Evelyn took charge and she's taken Pastor Nick to the top of the walls for a talk. Captain Levi is gathered more forces and Squad Leader Hange is ensuring that the titan is kept a close eye on for the time being" the soldier reports to Erwin as he walks ahead.

"I see" Erwin says calmly.

"What are we supposed to make of this, sir?" the soldier asks as he looks at Erwin, "I never imagined there were titans in the walls".

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