6- Warrior

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It starts to rain as the scouts start to bring everyone up the side of the wall, Krista kneeling down next to Ymir as Evelyn watches the Garrison squad bring the two of them up the wall using a lift they'd made previously.

"Raise it carefully" Hange says as she watches the whole operation as well.

The two of them make it to the top of the wall as Evelyn disconnects the straps, laying Ymir flat on the ground.

"How's Ymir?" Eren asks as he comes close to them, "what sort of shape is she in?".

"Her right arm and leg were bitten off, and her insides are beaten horribly" Evelyn explains as she kneels down next to Ymir, "if she were a normal human, she'd be dead for sure".

If she were normal, huh?

Eren asks as he looks at Ymir. He hears someone struggling from next to him as he looks to the side and sees Reiner struggling to get over the wall.

"Reiner, grab on!" Eren says as he goes over and holds out his hand to him.

"Right!" Reiner says as he grabs Eren's hand, Eren pulling him up.

"Please, believe me!" Krista says as she kneels down next to Evelyn, looking at her, "I'm telling the truth! Ymir transformed into a titan to fight off the other titans and save us! She did so with no regard to her own life, which proves her loyalty to us, her comrades! It's true that her judgement until now is unforgivable. After all, she may know things useful to humanity and yet she kept quiet about it! I imagine she didn't say anything to protect herself. But now she's a changed person! Ymir is an ally of humanity. I know Ymir better than anybody. She's a much simpler person than she looks!".

"Krista, I mean Historia. I just wanted a small explanation" Evelyn says with a smile as she reassures the girl, "I want to be able to trust her as well and have her on our side as an ally, just like Eren. He judgement aside, the information she holds is a treasure for humanity. I hope we get along. But you know even if she is a simple person, this world becomes more of a confusing mess with every passing day. You said your real name was Historia Reiss, right? Reiss, as in that noble family?" she says as Historia nods, "nice to meet you, Historia".

"Captain Evelyn, how is she?" Historia asks as she looks down at Ymir.

"She's still in a coma" Evelyn says calmly, "her bleeding has stopped, and the steam coming off her means that she's healing. For now, we'll take her back to the Trost District so she can get proper medical care. I'll leave her in the care of two of our greatest fighters" she says as she looks back, "now then. Back to our original mission of sealing the wall".

"Damn, it hurts" Reiner says as he holds his arms.

"You alright, Reiner?" Eren asks as he looks back at Reiner.

"Not by a long shot" Reiner complains, "a titan nearly ate my arm. That was pathetic. I thought I was done for".

Armin comes up the side of the wall as Eren gives him a hand.

"Even someone as strong as you gets this way sometimes" Eren says as Armin makes it to the top of the wall.

"What are you talking about? This is the second time for me" Reiner says as he looks at Eren, "tell him, Armin. Remember the time I almost got crushed in that titan's hand? That makes twice I've nearly died. At this rate, I'll be dead before I know it. I picked this path on my onw, but being a soldier is rough. It's like a soldier's spirit breaks down before their body. Though, until we plug up this wall, there's no time to waste whining about it".

"Yeah. You two have been driven far enough away from your hometown" Eren says as he side-eyes both Reiner and Bertolt, "I'm thinking this is where we've got to draw the line".

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