8- The Hunters

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Bertolt lands on top of Reiner and Eren as the impact nearly knocks the surrounding trees down, threatening to blow away all of the soldiers as well. Reiner screams as Eren is forced further and further into the ground when it stops. The steam starts to clear as everyone looks over the edge of the wall after getting to the top of the wall to take refuge.

"What's going on?" Armin asks as he tries to look around.

"Armin, Evelyn's missing!" Mikasa says as she doesn't spot Evelyn anywhere.

Reiner feels something on his back and he glances as he spots Evelyn holding Bertolt up with her bare hands.

How is she doing this? She's just a human!

Reiner asks as he spots the crystallisation all over her body, apart from her joints, protecting any bones from breaking.

She gets attack strength from Eren's titan, the crystallisation from Annie's titan. What would happen if she gets a hold of Bertolt or I's blood?

Reiner asks as he struggles to force Eren further into the ground.

"Eren! Get out of the way!" Evelyn yells as she grabs Reiner's arm, leaving one arm to hold up Bertolt, the other pulling Reiner's arm away from Eren's head, "Hange, I need the troops to cut Bertolt!".

"On it! Everyone, attack the Colossal titan!" Hange orders as everyone rushes down and starts to cut Bertolt.

Evelyn shuts her eyes and opens her mouth as blood drips onto her, majority spilling into her mouth. Eren manages to wriggle his way out from underneath Reiner as he jumps backwards, watching Evelyn slowly lose strength, Bertolt crushing her.

Evelyn. No, stop it. Please... don't kill her again. Please, Evelyn! Wake up!

Eren yells internally as he screams, Evelyn feeling Bertolt's blood mix with her blood as she starts to grow stronger. Evelyn starts to stand up again as she grabs Bertolt, throwing him to the other side of Eren. Bertolt dissipates from his titan, laying Ymir down on the ground as Reiner sees this. He flips over and grabs Evelyn, throwing her towards Bertolt so he can grab her. Eren jumps in the way as he grabs Evelyn and the two crash to the ground. Eren lets go of Evelyn as he looks at her as she stands in his hand. Eren lets her down as Reiner charges towards them.

"Eren, don't let Bertolt get away!" Evelyn yells as Eren gets up and charges towards Bertolt.

Evelyn runs at Reiner and grabs his legs, holding him from getting to Eren.

Come on Evelyn. You've just got to hold out a little bit longer!

Evelyn says as she struggles against Reiner's strength and speed. Reiner ducks down and grabs her, throwing her into the ground, knocking her unconscious.

"Evelyn!" Hannes yells as they all watch Reiner throw Evelyn into his mouth.

"He's not killed her. He's just doing what Annie did with Eren. We can get her out of there!" Mikasa shouts as she gets up.

She stops as she watches Reiner tackle Eren and rip his nape. Reiner grabs Eren and puts him in his mouth as he runs towards Bertolt. Bertolt uses the ODM gear from the soldier he ate earlier and connects his wires to Reiner and he carries Ymir in his arms, the two of them making their escape.

"Eren!" Armin yells as Sasha holds him back, Armin watching Reiner run off into the distance with his best friend and someone he calls his older sister.

--- Trost District ---

Commander Pixis sits on top of the wall overlooking Trost District surrounded by bottles of alcohol as he sits up, sleeping peacefully.

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