12- Scream

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"Eren!" Mikasa yells as she grabs Eren and pulls him away, leaving Evelyn in front of the titan that killed her Mother, as she's unable to move.

"Mikasa, let me go!" Eren yells as he fights against Mikasa's strength.

The titan goes to grab Evelyn but Hannes steps in the way as he cuts off its thumb.

"Hannes!" Evelyn says as she looks up at Hannes.

"What are the odds of this?" Hannes asks as he looks back at Evelyn, "check it out, Evelyn! You just watch. I'm about to avenge your Mother and butcher the shit out of this!".

Hannes attaches his wires to the titan's torso as he flies in and then flies around it.

"Hannes!" Evelyn yells as she watches him.

"Give the old man backup!" Jean yells as he rides over with Armin next to him, Erwin riding off to go help Conny, Historia and Sasha.

Two titans are thrown at them as they're forced to stop.

"Reiner, what is he doing?" Armin asks as he looks over at Reiner, "does he not care if Eren is eaten?".

"Don't get in our way, you big bag of shit!" Jean yells as he looks at Reiner.

Hannes continues to fly around the titan as it continues to swing for him.

"Don't Mikasa. You're injured" Eren says as Mikasa gets up, "I've got to be the one to kill this titan".

"Who said I was done with you?" Hannes asks as he goes after the titan again.

Eren starts to bite down on his hand but it doesn't work.

"Everyone, the Armoured titan is coming!" one of the soldier's yells as everyone looks and sees Reiner coming towards them.

Reiner throws a titan which lands right in front of Jean, knocking him off his horse, consequently knocking him out.

"Jean!" Armin yells as he jumps off of his horse and he goes over to Jean, "Jean, wake up!".

A titan starts to walk towards them as Armin waves his sword out towards it as he screams, not wanting to be eaten alive by the titan. Hannes goes around the titan once more, just as it grabs him.

"Hannes" Evelyn says quietly as she tries to get up but her legs won't let her, "please, don't".

"Hannes!" Eren yells as he tries to run to Hannes but Mikasa stops him, "Mikasa, let me go!".

"Eren. Look away!" Evelyn yells as she throws her arm out, "both of you, look away!" she yells as Mikasa and Eren cover their eyes and ears.

Evelyn watches as the titan rips Hannes' bottom half off as his blood spills all over her. Hannes looks at Evelyn as his eyes turn lifeless.

"Hannes" Evelyn says as she looks down at the ground, her fists against the dirt below her as she starts to laugh uncontrollably, tears flowing from her eyes.

"Evelyn" Eren says softly as Mikasa's grip loosens on him.

"Nothing changed!" Evelyn yells, her voice breaking, "you haven't changed one bit, damn it! You're still as useless as you ever were! Nothing changed!" she says as she screams, "Mother, I can't... I still can't do anything!" Evelyn says as she looks up at the titan before looking back at Eren, "Eren, Mikasa. I want to go home. I don't want to do this anymore. I just want to go home to Mother and Father. I just want them to hug me. I want the titans to be gone, the wall to be fixed and for us to be free. Please. Eren, I want to go home. Please let me go home!".

"Evelyn, watch out!" Erwin yells as he runs over.

Evelyn turns around as she sees the titan reaching out to her. Evelyn tries to move away but instead of grabbing her to eat her, the titan using one finger to pat the top of Evelyn's head.

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