7- Close Combat

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Eren punches Reiner in the face as the two of them fall to the ground.

"Eren!" Evelyn yells as smoke covers the two of them.

She tries to go down the wall, only to feel resistance on her wires. Evelyn looks up and she sees Mikasa, Armin, Conny and Sasha holding onto her wires.

"Captain Evelyn, don't go! Stay out of the way! You're already injured!" Sasha says as Evelyn starts to cry.

"I'm fine okay, so just let me go!" Evelyn shouts as she looks down at the dust cloud below her starts to clear.

If only I'd cut off their heads. That was the perfect chance. I should've been able to do it, so why? That was it. There won't be another chance.

Evelyn says as her wires go slack. She looks up as she sees Bertolt swipe for everyone on top of the wall as they all jump away from the wall. With Ymir in one hand and another soldier in the other, Bertolt eats the two of them.

"All soldiers prepare to attack!" Hange yells as everyone looks at them, "we're taking down the Colossal titan! Evelyn and Eren will work together and take on the Armoured titan! The two of them are a threat to all humanity! Swarm the huge bastard!".

They all start to fly around Bertolt as he tries to swing for them but they make it to his neck. Hange attaches their wires to Bertolt as he realises this and he lets off tonnes of hot steam, making them let go.

"Everyone fall back!" Hange yells as everyone does so and they all land on the wall, "he's trying to disappear again?".

"No, something is different" Armin says as he looks back at Hange, "the last time he vanished instantly, but now, he's maintaining his form and emitting hot steam like a furnace. If he keeps protecting himself with steam... we're unable to attack with our ODM gear. What do we do?".

"We can't do anything. We wait" Hange says as he looks at Armin, "for the meantime, nobody get in Eren and Evelyn's way. The two of them need to work together in order for this to work. Squads three and four, take your positions behind the target. Rashad has command. Squad two will wait here. Lauda is in control. It's yet to be seen how long he can keep his body burning, but eventually he has to come out. We wait for that moment to attack. Listen up. Forget about capturing them. Kill them and don't hesitate. Armin and squad one, follow me! We're monitoring the Armoured titan.

Evelyn watches as Reiner punches Eren, sending him flying into the field nearby. Eren lies there as Reiner stands tall.

"Eren. Wake up! Don't just lie there!" Evelyn yells as Reiner swings for her but Evelyn moves further up the wall.

You shit. You big piece of shit. And here you wouldn't shut up about a soldier's duty. During close combat training, were you always holding back on me? You're so strong, it's ridiculous. I can't even move an inch of my body. I always though you were a stand up guy. Someone who remained calm, regardless of the situation. A guy who put your comrades ahead of yourself. And I, to think at one time I wished to be as strong as you someday.

Eren says as Reiner comes towards him. Evelyn kicks off of the wall as she flies towards Reiner. She connects her wires to his right shoulder as she swings in from the left, slicing at his neck, only for her blades to break.

That did nothing.

Evelyn says as Eren gets up, only for Reiner to punch him again. Eren keeps his stance tall as he punches Reiner twice.

And my blades didn't work either?

Evelyn says as she flies towards Reiner's ankles and strikes them, her blades breaking again. Reiner punches Eren again, knocking him to the ground.

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