10- Children

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"Reiner. What are you right now?" Bertolt asks as he grabs Reiner's shoulders.

"Relax. I'm a warrior" Reiner says as he moves Bertolt's hands off of him.

"You're saying to trust Ymir as a warrior?" Bertolt asks in disbelief, "isn't she the one who ate Marcel?".

"Yeah, that's my point. Ymir's motive is clear" Reiner says as he looks at Ymir, "once she turned human again, she probably roamed around and lived only for herself. Until she met Krista. As cute as Krista is, we have other reason's to bring her to our side, just like we do with Evelyn. Krista's an important person in the family of the Church, and there's someone at home waiting for Evelyn. If Eren turns out not to be the coordinate, our job isn't over yet. Having Krista with us at that point will make our search much more easier".

Another gunshot sounds as they look in the distance and see one green flare and three red flares.

What are they talking about? Are they planning to leave before the sunsets?

Eren asks as he looks at Reiner and Bertolt.

"Let's end this right now!" Bertolt says as he looks at Reiner, "the next time we come here, we can take Annie, Krista, Evelyn and that back home. That way we won't have to come here anymore".

"Right. And out mission will be over" Reiner says as he looks at Bertolt, "but as for you, when we get to our hometown, tell Annie how you feel".

"What do you mean?" Bertolt asks as he panics.

"You stare too much" Reiner says with a smirk, "enough that everyone can tell. You should go for it. You're both murderers with short lives ahead. Who better to understand what we've gone through than one of us?".

Reiner uses the ODM gear as he moves down to Eren, Evelyn and Ymir.

"What are you doing, Reiner?" Eren asks as Reiner stands up, "aren't we waiting until night?".

"Nope. We're leaving now" Reiner says as he looks at Eren, "Eren, don't try to resist. You either, Evelyn".

"Come on. Don't get violent with me" Eren says calmly, "look at the shape I'm in. Does it look like I can resist? Please, give me a break".

Eren backs off just before he runs at Reiner and punches him with his arms.

"Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!" Eren yells as Reiner kicks him in the stomach and sends him flying into the tree.

Evelyn jumps over Reiner as Reiner grabs Eren and puts him into a headlock.

"I'll kill you! I'll slaughter you!" Eren yells as he fights against Reiner's strength.

"Hey. Are we leaving already?" Ymir asks as Bertolt comes over to her.

"Ymir. When you turned back into a human, do you remember the person you ate?" Bertolt asks as he looks at Ymir.

"No. I don't remember" Ymir says as she looks at him, "but if it was five years ago, was it one of your comrades?" she asks as she reads the look in his eyes, "I see. Sorry for not remembering".

"It's not your fault for forgetting" Bertolt says as he and Ymir look over at Reiner and Eren who fight it out while Evelyn fiddles with something in her lap, "it was the same for us, too. Eren doesn't seem to remember either".

"Is that how it works?" Ymir asks as she looks at Bertolt, "do you resent me for it?".

"I'm not sure. I don't know" Bertolt says as he looks at Ymir, "you probably didn't want to eat a human either. How long were you wandering outside of the walls for?".

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