4- Soldier

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--- two hours before the titan attack on Utgard Castle in Wall Rose ---

"Looks like someone was here recently" Reiner says as he looks around at everyone.

"That's odd for a place this near the wall" the leader of the Western squad says as she passes a blanket over to Krista, "some bandits probably used it as a base. It says 'Ruins of Utgard Castle' on one of the signs. Who would have thought there was a castle around here".

"Hey, check it out. Look what I found" the leader of the Southern squad says as he comes into the room with a bottle of alcohol.

"Gerger, is that booze I see?" the leader of the Western squad asks as she looks at him.

"Yeah. What the hell does it say?" Gerger asks as he studies the bottle.

"You're not going to drink it now, are you?" she asks as she frowns.

"Don't be stupid. Not at a time like this" Gerger says as he brushes off her comment, "convenient. All of this contraband to enjoy to ourselves".

"Now you're making us sound like the bandits" she says as he takes a seat next to her.

"You rookies should try to get some rest" Gerger says as he looks at the younger members, "titans won't be roaming around at this hour, but the rest of us will take turns keeping watch. We'll leave from here four hours before daybreak".

"Um, what if the wall isn't broken after all?" Krista asks as she looks at Gerger, "the titans, where could they be invading from?".

"Finding the answer for that is for tomorrow" Gerger says as he and the leader of the Western squad say as they both stand up and walk upstairs to meet the other two members of their squads.

"But what if? Maybe it's not nearly as bad as we thought from the start" Krista asks as she looks at everyone, "I'm just saying".

"Yeah. There's barely any titans around here" Reiner says as he looks down, "if the wall was really broken, that it".

"The only group we've seen was from the initial sighting" Bertolt says as he looks at Krista.

"Conny, what about your village?" Ymir asks as she looks at Conny.

"It was destroyed" Conny says as he looks at Ymir, "crushed to sticks and rubble by titans".

"I see. How awful" Ymir says as she looks down.

"But nobody there was eaten" Conny continues, "I think they all escaped, so there's that to be thankful for".

"Wasn't the village destroyed?" Ymir asks confused.

"The houses and stuff were wrecked, but the villagers made it out safely" Conny says as he looks at the wall, "if anyone was eaten, then there would've been blood and remains. But there wasn't any of that, so that's the only explanation. Still, I can't stop thinking about it. There was that titan at my house. It couldn't move on its own, but it was lying right on top of my house. But it's weird. I don't know why, but it reminded me of my Mum".

"Conny, you're still saying that?" Reiner asks as he looks at Conny.

"What an idiot!" Ymir says with a chuckle, "you think your Mother might have been that titan? The how come you're so damn short, huh? Come on, Conny. I knew you were pretty stupid, but this is takin things to the next level".

"Would you just shut up?" Conny asks as he holds his head, "this is absurd".

"If this theory of yours is correct, that means your Father had to be a titan too, right?" Ymir teases as she looks at Conny, "otherwise, you know. They couldn't do it-".

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