9- Opening

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Moblit watches the rest of the Scouts set off on their horses as he watches over Hange who fell unconscious again after getting so excited about the new plan. All of a sudden, Hange wakes up again.

"Hange?" Moblit says as he looks down at Hange.

"Get me a horse" Hange says as she starts to crawl away.

"Section Commander Hange? Where are you going?" Moblit asks as he kneels down.

"To that village where we captured the titan who couldn't walk" Hange says as they look at Moblit.

"Do you mean Ragako? Conny Springer's village?" Moblit questions.

"I need to see it with my own eyes" Hange says desperately.

"Don't say something so ridiculous!" Moblit says as he reprimands Hange, "your body can't take riding a horse right now!".

"I have a hunch that we need to investigate" Hange says as they look down.

"Alright. I'll go there on my own so you just stay here and faint or something" Moblit says as he stands up.

--- the main Scout group ---

"Spread out! Take formation to locate any enemies!" Erwin orders as he throws out his right arm as everyone splits off into their groups.

--- the giant tree forest ---

Eren tries to move but he looks down, only to see that both of his arms have been cut off.

"What the hell is this?" Eren asks as he looks down at his arms.

"Eren, look at me. I'm in the same shape as you" Ymir says as Eren looks over Ymir and sees her leg has been cut off, "guess the both of us are having a bad day".

"I'm not surprised I'm in the same situation as you" Evelyn says as Eren looks at her, "I mean, after all, I can't regrow my limbs" she says as she grabs the plank of wood impaled through her stomach as she pulls it out, "yet I'm betting your blood's going to help me heal myself, Bertolt. After all, the cuts on my hands and face have disappeared".

"Evelyn!" Eren yells as he watches as Evelyn heals the hole in her stomach.

"How the hell is that possible?" Bertolt asks in shock.

"I think the Colossal titan's blood helps me heal" Evelyn explains as she looks at Bertolt, "just how the Female titan's blood helps me crystallise my skin, and how Eren's titan's blood increases my attack power. I'm betting that if I had your titan's blood Reiner, I'd be able to harden my skin, just like your titan can".

"Evelyn. Why don't I have any arms?" Eren asks worriedly.

"That's my bad" Reiner says as he puts his hand up, "I'm the one who did that. I was kind of in a hurry. When I rushed to bite your nape, I neglected to take your arms into account".

"I see. I must've lost" Eren says as he looks down.

Eren then glares at Reiner as he bites down on what remains of his arm.

"Eren, stop!" Bertolt shouts as he stands up.

"Hold your horses, Eren" Ymir says as he holds onto Eren's shoulder, "take a good look around us. We're in the Giant Forest within Wall Maria. It's not even close to any of the walls. In other words, we're deep in titan territory. Take a look" she says as she, Eren and Evelyn all look down at the titans below them, "I think that one is an Abnormal. It looks like he's just lounging around, but he's not taking his eyes off of us. There's a lot of small ones down there, too. That alone is dangerous. Over that way's another big one. He's staring at us, but he won't come any closer. I bet you anything that one's a scaredy-cat. And then there's these ones" she says as she rests her arm on Eren's shoulder, "Reiner, Bertolt. Those dirty bastards. They're the only ones with ODM gear on. They stole Evelyn's and killed another soldier just to get some more. So I don't think changing into a titan at this point is going to solve anything. Not only can they do that, but they can escape high into the trees as well. Those two aside, there's titans all around us. Escaping out of this titan territory will be tough, even with titan powers. Do you understand? There's nothing to gain by acting up".

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