5- Historia

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--- back during the training days of the 104th trainee corps ---

The trainee corps members walk through the snowy mountains, all adorned in light brown padded coats, black masks, gloves, backpacks on their back and everything else they'll need to survive the freezing temperatures.

"Come on. The goal is right here" the leader says as she stands next to the goal post which stands in the snow next to their temporary cabins for this training exercise, "keep it up!".

"Nine hours and twelves minutes. Not a bad time, considering the weather" the male soldier says from next to the woman as he calls and records everyone's times.

"I thought we were going to die out there" Eren says as he sits down in the snow, not caring if his ass freezes off, "no one ever said winter training was going to be this tough. Did Evelyn really go through this?".

"Don't you remember what Shadis said?" Armin asks as he looks at Eren, "the training gets easier and easier every year for some reason. Evelyn suffered more than we are right now".

"Damn it, I can't feel my legs" Jean says from next to Eren.

"I wish they'd let us inside already" Conny says sleepily.

"I bet they're putting a huge feast together for us, yum!" Sasha says hopefully.

"Hey, Krista is missing" Reiner says as he comes over.

"She was sticking with Daz since he wasn't doing well" Mikasa says as she remembers the last time she recalled seeing her.

"Daz isn't here either. Ymir as well" Reiner says worriedly.

"Maybe they're with the last squad?" Marco wonders as he comes over.

"Can't be. The last squad, led by Thomas, just arrived" Reiner says as he turns to look over at Thomas' squad, "they never saw those three".

"You don't think they got lost?" Armin wonders as he sits on the ground.

"They don't stand a chance if they're stuck in this blizzard" Conny says as he looks at Reiner.

"Shit!" Eren says as he stands up.

"Eren!" Mikasa says as she grabs Eren's arm.

"I'm going back out to try and find them!" Eren says as he looks at Mikasa.

"Me too" Marco says as he looks at Eren.

"Everyone get in the cabin!" the leader shouts from the cabin doorway.

"But Krista and-" Eren says as the leader approaches the group.

"Yeah. We'll send a rescue team first thing in the morning" the leader explains calmly.

"It'll be too late by then" Eren says persistently.

"We won't make any more victims!" the woman says confidently.

"Shit!" Eren curses as there's a large gust of wind.

Deep in the forest still, Krista pulls Daz behind her as he's tied up by rope unconscious, Ymir following closely.

"Krista, give it up" Ymir says as she looks at Krista, "listen to me. Daz already has one foot in the grave. It's his own fault for doing this training to boost his score without knowing how much his body can take. He's just not cut out to be a soldier. If you keep crawling to the foot of the mountain at this rate, he'll probably be a goner by then, and we'd be lucky not to be. Which means there's only two outcomes. Leave Daz here and save ourselves, or the three of us die. Which will it be?".

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