2- I'm Home

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--- in Trost District ---

"Commander Pixis! Titans have been spotted!" a soldier shouts as he runs into Commander Pixis' office within Trost District. Wall Rose has been breached!".

--- in Stohess District ---

"What the hell does all of this mean?" Eren asks as he sits down on one of the carts with Mikasa.

"But, would titans break walls with titans in them?" Armin asks as he walks over to the two of them.

"It's happened before. The titans bust through the walls in our city" Eren says as he looks at Armin.

"That was a gate" Armin says, making Eren eat his words.

"Armin? What are you saying?" Mikasa asks as she looks at him.

"The thing about the walls. There's no crevices between the walls or any signs of cracking" Armin explains as he looks at the two of them, "we can't really tell how they're made. So what if they're made of hardened titan skin? It must be pretty versatile if Annie can encase herself".

"Titans in the wall" Eren says, trying to make sense of the whole situation.

Inside, Evelyn and Levi go to collect Hange.

"Hey, get moving" Levi says as he leans against the doorway, looking at Hange.

"Ah, sorry!" Hange says as they look at the two of them, "what about him?".

"He's been ready for a while" Evelyn says as she looks down.

Everyone gathers outside as Erwin gets ready at the front of the group.

"Eren, wear it right" Mikasa says as she wraps the cloak around him, "it's cold at night".

"Sorry to keep you all" Hange says as they come in with Levi and Evelyn, Evelyn dragging the Priest behind her "took longer to prepare than we thought".

"Isn't this the Priest from the Order of the Walls?" Armin asks as the four of them get onto the cart, one of the soldier's tying Kanmori to the side of the cart.

"Yeah. Nick and I are best buddies" Evelyn says as she puts her arm around Nick, "don't let him bother you. The whole makeup of this squad doesn't make any sense. Does it, Levi?".

"No, I think it might" Levi says calmly, "Erwin picked them out for a reason".

"Open the gate!" Erwin orders as the gate opens in front of them, "the situation within Wall Rose is unclear. But everything up until Ehrmich is safe. We'll save time going through there. Move out!".

"Yes, sir!" everyone says as they all set off.

"Let's move on!" Evelyn orders.

"Yes, Captain!" the soldier guiding the horses says as they set off.

"This whole time, the titans have been saving us from titans" Armin says as he looks back at the walls.

"So why is he coming with us?" Mikasa asks as she looks at Nick.

"Oh. Well Nick here knew about the titans in the wall the whole time" Evelyn says as she looks at Mikasa.

"Huh? There's titans in the wall and he knew the entire time?" Eren asks in disbelief.

"Yeah. But he's kept his mouth shut this entire time, despite my attempts in killing him" Evelyn says as she looks at Nick, "but now I've dragged him to come witness harsh reality with us. Will his beliefs be strong enough for him to stay silent? Or will seeing it with his own eyes make him question himself?".

"No, no, no, no! This is all backward!" Eren says angrily as he stands up, "if there's something you know, tell us about it! Nothing's more important than keeping humans from going extinct!".

"Eren, settle down!" Mikasa says as she grabs Eren and pulls him back down onto his seat, "you're still not fully healed".

"Anyways, there's more than one way to get answers" Evelyn says as she pulls out a gun, holding it against Nick's temple, Levi pointing another right at Nick's chest, "isn't that right?".

"I may be injured right now, but it doesn't take much to watch one man" Levi says as he looks at Nick, "I'm hoping we can settle this without blasting a hole in anyone. Aren't you?".

"But unfortunately, threatening his life doesn't work. We've already tried that" Evelyn says as she puts away the gun, "but having a gun makes me feel much more safe. If he tries to run, I'll put a bullet in skull. It seems that this Priest is capable of sound judgement. That why I wonder, what if the reason he doesn't talk is because he knows something more important than the fate of humanity?".

--- in Wall Rose, Conny's village ---

Conny and the Northern squad arrive at his village as he starts to speed up.

"Conny, wait! Calm down!" Reiner shouts as he watches Conny go off, "there could be titans anywhere! Get back here, Conny!".

"This can't be" Conny says as he looks around at all the wreckage the titans have caused in his village, the entire village abandoned, "anyone! Is anyone there?" he asks as he stops on his horse, "it's me! It's Conny! I came back!".

Conny picks up his speed as he makes it to his house where he sees a blonde haired yellow eyed titan laid on its back over his house, staring right at him. Conny gets off of his horse in horror as he approaches the titan.

"Conny, get back!" Reiner shouts as he comes over on his horse.

"It's my house" Conny says, his voice weak, "my-".

"Conny" Reiner says as he looks at Conny.

"You two, fall back!" a soldier orders as he comes over on his horse.

"I'll scout the area!" another soldier says as they go by on their horse.

"Wait, it's-" the soldier says as he moves around the titan, "it can't move!".

"Not with those legs" another soldier says as she comes over.

"Th-then how?" the soldier asks as he looks at her confused, "how did it even get here?".

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