11- Charge

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Erwin rides past, just as Reiner exits the forest with Bertolt, Eren and Ymir as he turns around.

"All squads! Let the titans chase after you!" Commander Erwin yells as he turns on his horse, "follow my lead!".

"Erwin, you demon! Are you trying to use us as bait again?" Nile asks as he looks at Erwin.

"That's not my intention!" Erwin says as he looks back at Nile, "the Military Police have fought well! Now serve your duty as soldiers! The Armoured titan plans to escape with Eren! We have to stop him no matter what!" he says as all of the soldiers regroup on their horses, "wait a second" Erwin says as he spots Evelyn on Kanmori through Reiner's legs, "everyone, follow Captain Evelyn, no matter where she goes!".

"He's not fast enough to escape. We'll catch up!" Jean says as he rides next to Mikasa.

"This time, I won't hesitate. I'll kill them both, I swear" Mikasa says, not taking her eyes off her target.

Ymir grabs Historia out of her mouth as Historia starts to cough, gasping for air. Ymir separates from her titan as she looks at Historia, who looks back at her, confused and concerned as to why Ymir made off with her she way she did.

"Ymir!" Historia says as she looks at Ymir, hope in her eyes.

"Kris- no, Historia. Sorry for eating you like that" Ymir says as she looks at Historia whilst coughing, "I bet you're mad at me".

"Ymir, what is this? What are you doing?" Historia asks as she looks around, "we came here to rescue you and Ere-".

"I don't need rescuing!" Ymir shouts as she looks down, "just stay right there. I'm following Reiner and Bertolt now. Captain Evelyn tried to convince me, but I can't go back to being some kind of slave to the government. You, too. Come with me. There's no future within the walls! Listen to me, Historia. Outside the walls isn't as bad as you think. Especially because there won't be anyone saying that you're better off not being born".

"I'm pretty sure titans won't be saying that to me" Historia says angrily, "they'll be too busy trying to eat me!".

"Everyone has at least one or two faults!" Ymir shouts, "if you can just overlook that, they're not so bad after all!".

"Ymir. Everything you're saying and doing isn't making any sense!" Historia argues, "could it be that Reiner and Bertolt threatened you?".

"It's the reverse" Bertolt says as he looks at Historia.

"Am I right, Ymir?" Historia questions desperately, "I'll fight them with you, so let me out of your hand! I don't care if there's something you can't tell me. No matter what happens, I will always be your ally!".

"Ymir, look. The Scouts have already got this close, and Captain Evelyn is already far ahead of us" Bertolt says as he and Ymir look at the Scouts behind them, "if only we had run right away, we would've been able to escape. But because you forced us to bring Krista, at this rate, they'll catch us! Hey, Ymir. Are you telling us we did all of that for nothing? Did you change your mind? Is that what you really want? To let Krista rot within the walls? Don't be stupid, Ymir!".

"Ymir, hurry up and let me go!" Historia yells.

"I can't" Ymir says as she looks down, "Historia, to be honest, the reason I snatched you away, was only to save myself. A long time ago, I stole the power of the titans from one of their friends. There's nothing I can do against them. Sooner or later, they'll kill me. But if I hand you over and cooperate with them, they said they would see what they can do and try to make it so my crime goes away. Because you know the secrets of the wall, you're someone important to the Church. Once this world started going to hell, I thought being with you would give me insurance in the future. I almost died during that battle at the castle and that feeling scarred me for life. I'm afraid to die. I'll do whatever it takes to live. I'm pathetic. I told myself I was doing it for your sake. But really, I did it for myself. Please, Historia. Please save me!".

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