3- Southwestward

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Conny stands in front of his home as he looks at the titan that's laid right on top of his house.

"Conny! Are there any survivors?" Reiner asks as he runs over.

"No" Conny says as Bertolt comes over as well, "none at all. It's all over. My hometown... it's gone forever".

"Hey, something's strange here" the soldier says as he comes over, "has anyone spotted any bodies?".

"No, I haven't" Bertolt says as everyone shakes their heads.

"How is that even possible?" the soldier asks confused, "titans come and not even a single drop of blood?".

"Everyone must've escaped" the female soldier says confidently as she looks at Conny, "it means nobody here was eaten! Including your family, too".

"I see. That's gotta be it!" Conny says happily as his entire face changes.

"Yeah. It's unbelievable to think titans ate everyone without leaving behind any blood" the woman says with a small smile.

That's not all that unbelievable. If the entire village was really evacuated, why would titans obliterate these houses with nobody in them? But what really boggles my mind is the stables. If they tried to escape without their horses, their chance of survival would be slim.

The male soldier thinks to himself.

"Everyone got their torches?" he asks as he looks at everyone, "let's move! Our mission now is to locate and assess the breach in the wall!".

"Yes, sir" Reiner says as everyone starts to run off apart from Conny as he watches them all.

Conny gets onto his horse as he sits there for a moment.

"Wel come... home" he hears something say from behind him and turns to see the titan looking at him.

"Just now-" Conny says as the titan's jaw twitches.

"Oi, Conny!" Reiner shouts as he comes over on his horse, "hurry up! We're falling behind Gerger!".

"Reiner, did you hear that?" Conny asks as he looks at Reiner, "the titan-".

"I didn't hear anything at all" Reiner says as he looks at Conny, "enough with the chit-chat. Focus on the mission!".

"But it... I think" Conny tries to reason, "I don't know how, but... I think my Mum-".

"Conny, do you understand the situation we're in?" Reiner shouts as he looks down, "hundreds of thousands of lives depend on whether we complete this mission or not! Your family might've escaped, but it's not over yet! If you're a soldier, put the mission first!".

"Yeah, good point!" Conny says as his face darkens again as Reiner rides off, setting off as well, "he's absolutely right!".

--- several hours after the titan spotting, the Western team ---

"We're getting close to wall now, so there's no people living in the area" Thomas reports as he rides next to Nanaba.

"Right. That didn't take us very long" Nanaba says as she looks at the wall they're approaching, "alright, let's head to the South!".

"What for?" Ymir asks from behind her, "there shouldn't be any villages South of here".

"We need to find the location of where the wall has been breached" Nanaba says as she looks back at Ymir, "we'll ride along the wall from the West until we find it".

"But Krista and I don't have our battle gear" Ymir explains, "there's probably titans roaming everywhere to our South. It's very possible we'll become titan fodder. Let the two of us withdraw from the front".

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