What Do We Do Now?

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Riv's eyes are closed off when she answers me, possibly because she didn't agree with what I was suggesting but I had a feeling my ideas were valid. "Hey, did you say Mads sent over the files? Maybe we should have a look and talk to the others. Who knows how much longer we're here for."

Now she gives me a puzzled look, her brows drawn down into a frown that makes her look like a bemused puppy. I almost smile. "What do you mean Nix? We're safe, Ari said so yesterday when we spoke." I sigh and see her give me a look. "What is it Nix? What happened?"

I run a hand through my hair, trying to stall answering her. But like with every other time I've tried that tactic, it doesn't get me very far since I can feel her eyes on me. I sigh, "We've been here for nearly four months Riv. Someone must be looking for us. Especially if what Mads said was true about them trying to arrest you for what happened on Old Meadow Road the night we left." She shivers then and I put an arm around her. "Sorry, no tact I know."

She sighs and rests her head back, "It's not that it's what will happen when we go back. They'll come after me and I don't know if the Angels can keep me out this time. Away from him." She sounds a little afraid and that worries me. "Because if he does manage to put me away for this that leaves you unprotected, he knows that. He's fucking with me and trying to get me to slip up. I-I don't know what his endgame is yet but it involves you and if I end up there....he'll take you. I'll never see you again unless I agree to some sort of twisted shit he gives me. I can't do that, not when I promised to keep you safe mi amado, not when it's your life this concerns." She gives me another look, pleading this time. "Please say you understand. That you won't fight me on this anymore."

I sigh, not answering with words since I know she's always been able to read my silence as well as my words. She offers a small smile and closes her eyes, content to rest against me for a moment. Both of us are at peace with life for now. For those, few precious seconds reality would let us have now and again before it all rushed back. Letting us be alone with each other where the darkness can't reach to twist us anymore. Letting me remember in the lull of activity the idea I had when I saw the poems Riv started but didn't finish.

I turn to give her a look. "Do you....do you remember the book you had Ari give me? The one with the poems in?"

Riv opens one eye and frowns, "Yeah? Did you finish it and want to show me? I know you read mine before you started."

That takes me aback. How did she? She must have read some of them, at least in part. If not all of them. Strangely, that doesn't make me mad, just curious. "Maybe one day. It's more I had an idea. If you want to hear it."

She sits up a little then where I have one arm around her, her chin propped up on her fist. "Go for it. I'm curious." Her lips pull up into an intoxicating smile and I try to remain focused on what I wanted to say.

"What if we put them in a bigger book, all of them I mean." She frowns, "As in your ones, mine, and the ones we did together. Make it into a collection we could publish one day maybe if we both wanted to that is?" My words are rushed but I can see the gears turning in her head. Silence greeted my idea "Riv? It was just a-"

She smiles, fucking beaming like I gave her the whole world. "I love the idea. I was just trying to find a name for it. One that fits the mood and contents. But that isn't too depressing. Like sad with a romantic edge..." She gives me an odd look. "Any ideas?"

"Not currently," I reply, seeing how her eyes close off in thought for a few seconds before a rare smile passes over her face and I laugh. "Seems like you do though. Want to tell me?" She laughs but says little else for a second, just thinking. "Riv?"

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