Chapter 2: Entering Hank J Wimbleton

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Somewhere In Nevada...

"Doc, do we really have to meet up with someone at the airport? This is getting really stupidity here." It was Hank with a boring look on his face while sitting in the back of the semi-truck, the one that Deimos and Sanford had stolen from the agencies.

Doc gave him a glaring look while driving the semi-truck. "Hank, will you please stop fussing about it? We are going to meet up with Kagome."

"Kagome? Who's Kagome?" Hank asked with an annoying look.

"My niece. Also Miranda's cousin." Doc answered.

He arched his brow in shock. "You have a niece?"

He sighed, "Yes, I do have a niece, but half-niece. I have a younger half-brother named Kouta Higurashi. He is from Tokyo, Japan. Also, we both have the same mother. Lastly, unfortunately for that, he passed away a few years before my half-nephew Souta was born."

"I see," Hank said, rubbing his mask through his chin. "So why do we have to see this Kagome girl?"

"To bring her a gift," Doc told him, showing him a small gift.

He rolled his eyes with arms crossed. "Oh, so this is a Valentine's Day gift?" He mocked him rudely, "So why did you bring me here then? I never asked you to take me to such reunion family time. I'm not into that fucking family bullshit!"

Then a girl popped out of the front seat and glared at him with an annoying look, "Are you done fussing? If you're not, then we'll have to kick you out of the truck and leave you there."

Hank groaned in defeat, crossing his arms across his built-up chest and looking away, looking through the window.

She smirked, "That's what I thought." Then she looked up at the ceiling of the window and said, "Hank, you really don't know what St. Valentine's Day is, do you?"

"Why should I, Miranda?" Hank asked, now looking at her with an annoying look.

She looked over her shoulder at Hank and began, "Because, Hank, Valentine's Day is a holiday when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. Given their similarities, it has been suggested that the holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. It was also on February the 14th."

"What for?" Hank asked with a confused look.

Doc sighed, "For sending messages of love and affection to partners, family, and friends. If you really had family and friends, Hank, then you'll have to bring something to someone you care about. Especially for gifts for people."

He scowled, looking away. "I'm not interested in Valentine's Day. It's stupid."

"Stupid!? Hank J. Wimbledon!" Miranda snapped, now hitting them in the face.

"Ow! Randy! What the fuck was that about!?" Hank growled at her, rubbing his face where Miranda had hit him.

"Dumbass! I know you enjoy killing people and never show any mercy to people, but do you think it's time for you to try something experience for Valentine's Day instead of being an asshole to people that you wanted to care for!?" Miranda shouted at him.

"She's right, Hank. Maybe it's time for you to try some experience by making new friends before Valentine's Day arrives," Doc suggested as he agreed to his daughter.

Hank glared at them, ain't have those two lecturing him like that. "Didn't I have Deimos and Sanford? They're my friends, too."

"Then maybe you should make more friends, Hank," Miranda said, smirking at him.

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