Chapter 7: At The Bar

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Hank woke up again when his eyes were being reflected by the sunlight from the window. He sat up and looked over Deimos and Sanford fast asleep. Then he smell the air coming from the kitchen when he noticed someone was cooking something. It could be Doc's half-sister-in-law. He also smelled the scent of fresh hot chocolate and pancakes.

He slowly followed the trail of scent in what appeared to be the kitchen. Finally, all he saw was Kagome who was standing beside the table when she was making a huge breakfast for everyone. Hank looked over the table and saw the food lying on the table. It has pancakes with fluffy chocolate chips, eggs, bacon, and hot chocolate with mugs.

"Hey," Hank greeted him awkwardly when he gave Kagome attention who was already awake.

Kagome turned around with pure eyes and smiled at him. "Oh, good morning, Hank." She greeted him, "How did you sleep?"

Hank looked away a bit as he blushed softly and scratched the back of his head. "I slept well." She said, shyly, "I'm surprised I didn't sleep so fast."

Kagome was smiling. "That's great."

"By the way, I would like to talk to you. You know, just a conversation." Hank said, shyly. He scratched the back of his head again when he looked and blushed again. He continued, "Well, since I never get to see you that much. All except what happened a few weeks ago we just met at the airport."

"Of course," Kagome replied, still smiling at him. "We'll talk after breakfast."

Hank nodded in response to her. After that, everyone is now awake and joins us for breakfast, thanking Kagome for everything.


After breakfast, now Kagome has things to do by decorating the party. However, bringing all the stuff from the United States of America was difficult for her to find, but she thanked Miranda for all her help. Kagome brought them to the Taisho Corporation and let Sesshomaru know that she is back and ready to organize the party before Valentine's Day and the Nevada Corporation comes.

After that, she decided to go to the bar and have a drink with Hank and he wanted to talk to her about it. You know, a conversation that he still wants to know about her. Hank had spent most of the night attached to the bar, surprisingly still sober, he was in the process of scoping out his next conquest until his eyes fell upon two Japanese figures that had just entered the room.

Both are no other than Hojo and Sawa. Hank frowned, knowing it was Kagome's boyfriend, but just because he arrived with Kagome didn't mean they were leaving together. He watched Hojo coming over to Kagome and perk her a kiss, asking her who this man was when he saw her standing next to him.

"Hojo, this is Hank J. Wimbleton, he is the best friend of my uncle. Hank, this is my boyfriend, Hojo." Kagome said.

"Pleasure to meet you, sir," Hojo greeted him with a handshake.

"Hn," Hank responded, eyeing him, and Hojo noticed he looked scary.

"And would you like to tell me who this woman is, Hojo?" Kagome asked with a curious look.

"Kagome, this is my friend, Sawa. Sawa, this is my girlfriend, Kagome, and her uncle's best friend, Hank J. Wimbleton," Hojo introduced them to Sawa.

Sawa smiled at them and said, "A pleasure to meet you both."

"Likewise, Sawa," Kagome said with a kind smile.

"Would you like a dance, my love?" Hojo asked her, offering her a hand.

"Of course, my love," Kagome then took his arm and Hojo lead her out to the dance floor, leaving Hank and Hojo alone.

Sawa sighed sadly as she turned around and sat at the booth, ordering some drinks. Then Hank noticed her expression when he couldn't help but question her.

"I hate to bother you, Miss Sawa, but is there something you want to tell me?" Hank asked her.

"What do you mean?" Sawa asked him.

"The way you look sad by seeing Hojo and Kagome dancing together," Hank said.

"Oh, them? I don't want to talk about it, honey. I refuse to trust you by telling you this," Sawa said, taking a sip of booze.

"Telling me what? Did something happen to you? You can tell me everything, so I'll keep it a secret," Hank said.

She scowled, "Do you seriously think I would fall into your trustworthy shit? I don't think so. You'll be pissed when I tell you about them."

"Fine, sort yourself," Hank said, rolling his eyes.

Suddenly, one of Hank's friends finally arrived at the bar and they started to have some fun by drinking alcohol and dancing around on the dance floor. Hank guessed they were having a fun time. Lastly, Sawa suggested that they would like to dance, so he accepted her offer.

For the rest of the nightfall, Hank and Sawa danced, flirted, and drank together. Eventually, as the night progressed they became more and more inebriated and the flirting became more and more provocative until finally, they ended up in the corner drunkenly making out.

When Sawa stopped kissing him, she faced him with a lustful look, "How about we should come over to my place, so we can have some fun, you and me."

Hank chuckled with a lustful look. "Fuck, yeah."

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