I was preparing myself mentally for the upcoming call. I knew the boss wasn't happy. How could he be happy? We had one job and we didn't even manage do it right. I was sitting in the bus, no one next to me ofcourse. There were barely any people in the bus. For a person like me it's expected to have her own car, her own house, being rich as fuck, but that's not the case here. I get the money when I get the busness done, but things have been going... A bit sideways lately. Also having a car and having a house aren't my first priorities. I'm saving for something more important... For someone more important. It started raining outside, just another crappy day and it's just 10 in the morning. I heard my phone ring. It was similar to one of those nokia phones, once again something that's not expected from a person like me. I take it out of my pocket and look at the name. Just as I thought. Chota. I sigh and press the green button.

"Yes, boss?"

"Sanya, I heard you didn't kill the Namoto leader." he said. His tone is calm. This is the scariest thing about him, he always sounds calm and then in the next moment he bursts out... And sometimes it's rather dangerous. Once a guy lost his head just like that.

I gulped remembering about that moment. I don't want to be the next.

"That's right." I said trying to sound unbothered and strong.

"And how am I supposed to feel about that?" he asked.

I stopped for a moment to think about my answer.

"Ofcourse disapointed."

"You think?"

I started to get frustrated with this.

"Yeah, I think, but we almost got killed trying to get it done, it's literally impossible, no matter who you hire. We need a different plan, this is not going to work out." I said desicively.

There was silence. I just realised that I have pissed him off.

" I'm organising a meeting tonight at 23 o'clok. Be there. " he hung up the phone but his last words rang in my head. So rough and agressive that it actually made me afraid of what the consequences of my actions may be.

I sighted and shoved angrily the phone in my pocket.


I just came out of a sushi restaurant as I looked at the clock on my right hand. Almost 23 o'clock. I better hurry.

I started walking, the white bag in my hand flinging around, sometimes even hitting my legs. I wasn't far away and this made my heart beat quicken.

Soon enough I enetered a dark alley. A cat ran infront of me. A black cat. Perfectly. I stopped infront of a certain door and after a second of emotion processing I sighted and knocked on the door. A little camera above the door truned to look at me. This is the part that I hated the most. I looked at it and smiled sarcastically. A 'buzz'sound came from the door and I opened it. I looked around and on the round table there were some of our members but not all. Ofcourse, there are still 5 minutes left. Some people who have more privileges can come to the meetings later, others can't. This is the shittiest thing about this place. Yeah, I never said I liked it.

I came to the table and pulled the chair infront of me so that I can sit in it, but before I could do that a clicking with tongue interrupted me. I looked at the direction of my boss, sitting across from me.

"You are going to be sitting here tonight." he said as he pulled the chair beside him making the floor screech loudly. Then silence covered the room. As I stood there dumbfounded a few people's heads turned back around to me to see what I was gonna do. I straightened up.

" Sure thing." he was gonna kill me.

I circled the table and when I got to him I looked down at him for a few seconds. Then I sat on the table and adjusted my seat.

I again remembered the guy who got beheaded infront of all of us. Just one swing with his sword and the guy's head met the floor. I looked sideways to him and noticed that he doesn't have his sword anywhere around him. What is he gonna do then? I realised that I'm preparing for my death. I shouldn't do that. If anything happens I must defend myself no matter what, why would I just settle in comfortably prepared for my death? I rested my head in my arm and the fingers tightened on my jaw both from anger and nervousness.

"Ughh, when are those pricks gonna come?" Kakra asked. Her dumb questions never amazed me.

"I don't care when or how are they gonna come. We have a meeting, the meeting starts when the time comes, not when those pricks decide to come." Chota said. She giggled. I rolled my eyes.

The door opened and two male figures came in. Asuna and Fushiba, my team mates with whom I was supposed to kill Nomoto's leader.

" What do you have in there? " I looked at Chota surprised as he was looking at something next to my legs. I followed his gaze. The bag.

"Oh, this. Yeah, sushi." I said. I'm hungry.

He smiled weakly.

"I'm gonna have it." he said.


"I said, that I'm gonna have it."

I stood there dumbfounded for a moment. I realised that Asuna and Fushiba were standing there looking at me, concerned. I sighed.

"Yeah, whatever. Have everything." I said in anger as I took the bag in my hand then turned to him and handed it. He cought my palm along with the bag.

"Careful." he said quietly.

I stood there with my heart racing. At first I didn't even realise how strongly he was squeezing my palm.

"Don't talk to me like that." he said. There was silence. I nodded.

He let go of my hand and then took the bag putting it on the table. He started unpacking everything. Is this dude for real?

I gritted my teeth and stood there not moving from my place. If I EVER got the chance to kill this dickhead I would do it with pure pleasure. Also doesn't he realise that it's time for the meeting already? What is he doing? Finally the last three members of the group came in, late with 5 minutes.

"You are once again late." Chota stated.

"Yeah, sorry boss, were attacked by some scumbags from Nomoto. Managed to kill them all.

" Good job. "Chota said.

Every last one of them took a seat from different parts aorund the table.

We sat in uncomfortable silence, the only thing that could be heard was Chota's munching on that sushi. On my sushi.

He finally decided to start with his mouth full.

"Alright, so as we all know Nomoto became a big problem. But stay assured we won't let them unite our group and theirs as they want. Because I know that if we do that, they are going to try and take control of us and take our money. We can't let that happen. As many of you know, Sanya tried to kill their boss along with Asuna and Fushiba but they failed."he finished with that. Silence.

I started panicing and looked at him slowly. He coughed.

"As Sanya said this isn't going to work. We don't even know the name of their boss. We need to think of something else, but the worst thing is yet to be said. I have bad news." he started.

I furrowed my eyebrows. What could it be?

"They united with Toman."


Mikeyspet here you gooo 💞💅

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